Chunin Exams Chapter 14: Kusa's Hospitality Part 5

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Jutsu/ Bijuu/ Summons

Flashbacks, Letters, and Setting

I don't own Naruto


Chapter 55: Kusa's Hospitality Part 5

"Soon, we will have the power to bring Kusa to its former glory... To take its place above the 5 so called "Great Villages" that look down on us... no longer will they sideline us as "minor"..." A cloaked figure wearing an ox mask announced to his companions.

Another cloaked man wearing a monkey mask was getting antsy. "What is taking Mui so long?"

Just as he finished stating his worries out loud, the door to their chamber swung open, with the dark figure of Mui appearing at the door with a body over his shoulder.

"So, is that the Uzumaki?" A figure in a ram mask asked.

"Yes! That's the one! Bring him in!" The man in the ox mask shouted. "We've been waiting long enough! Let's begin the ritual right away!"

Mui didn't respond, simply walking in quietly.

"Sheesh Mui, what the hell happened to you?" A figure in a dog mask asked. "You look like you were in a sword fight or something."

"That doesn't matter right now." Mui responded. "Strap the boy down." He told the 4 masked figures as he laid Naruto down onto a table.

"I-I can't believe it... After all these years. I can't believe we're finally doing this." The one in the ram mask commented in disbelief.

"Don't get your hopes up just yet. You saw what happened with the last Uzumaki. There's no guarantee this will work." The man in the monkey mask reminded them.

The man in the ox mask shook his head. "No. This one is different. His chakra is potent. The chakra of that other woman is like a child's in comparison. I've never seen anyone quite like him..."

Mui let the others talk as he ran his fingers through his hair to resettle himself. This was the moment where everything would change.

"He's strapped in, Mui. Are you ready to begin?" The man in the ox mask asked.

Mui nodded. "I'll begin the ritual now. Stand back."

Three of the masked figures stepped back to give Mui his space. The one in the ram mask, however, stayed where he stood.

"Give the man some space, Ram." The one in the dog mask said to the still figure.

"Hurry up! We've waited long enough!" Ox shouted out.

"Are we sure about this?" Ram questioned to the others, puzzling them. "He's a high-ranking shinobi of Konoha. This could be tantamount to a slap to Konoha's face. This could be grounds for... a war..."

"And? Are you really bringing this up now? Did you think we didn't consider that when we came up with this plan? Didn't you?" Monkey responded.

"I mean... yes... but this is really the point of no return... Shouldn't we take a moment to reconsider? Konoha is said to be the strongest of the 5 great villages, while we're... you know..."

"Once we harness the power of the box, none of that will matter." Ox countered. "Besides, Konoha's time on top ended when the 4th Hokage died at the hands of the Kyuubi. It's now merely a shell of what it used to be. The Sannin have scattered to the wind and the next generation of shinobi haven't shown themselves to be a match for the previous one. Even the Senju and the Uchiha are all but extinct."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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