Chapter 6

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                                                        ~Zayn's P.O.V~

So, I woke up around 8:30 today, totally excited to be able to see that girl again. The more I thought about her, the more I wanted to see her. I quickly hopped into the shower, then got dressed, and styled my hair.  I had to tell Paul, our body guard, and the boys that I was going for a drive, or they would tease me about having a crush on that girl.

I told them about her the night of the concert, after we got back to the hotel. They all knew I liked her, but they found it funny about how I would gush on and on about her beauty. After I told them I was gong for a drive, I quickly jumped into the Red Ferrari Paul had rented for me, and sped of in the direction of the girl's apartment building.

With in 15 minutes, I was parked in front of the Bushwell Plaza. I quickly slid on my hoodie and shades, and fast walked into the building. I asked the receptionist what floor apartment 22B was on, and she told me floor number 4. I thanked her quickly, and ran to the elevator. after the doors slid open, I stepped inside, and pushed the 4 button.

I took off my shades and hoodie, because I doubt the paparazzi or any screaming fans will be here. Then, all of a sudden, I realized I had no clue about what was going to tell her. And to even worry me more, my palms got sweaty, my heart was racing, and it felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. What the hell was happening?

No girl has ever had this kind of effect on me. The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open again. I stepped out, and took a right down a hall. I went all the way down the hall, and didn't find apartment 22B, so I figured it was down a different hallway. I went back to the elevators, then took the hall on the left. Sure enough, there was apartment 22B at the very end of it.

As I was about to knock on the door, I took out her phone, turned it so the back was facing me, and read her name. Miranda Buckles. What a perfect name. It pretty much had all of her beauty rapped up into 2 words. I knocked on the door lightly, and waited.

About a few seconds later, a girl opened the door. It wasn't the girl from the concert. This girl had shoulder length Auburn Hair, freckles, and bright green eyes. The girl I was looking for had long, caramel brown hair, and amazingly blue eyes.

"Hi, does Miranda Buckles live here?", I asked. The girl just looked at me for a few seconds, totally shocked, then nodded her head. "Miranda! You have a visitor!", she yelled. I waited for a few seconds, before she walked into the room. She was putting her hair up into a pony tail at the time. As she looked up, she went into total shock. Her eyes went wide, and she was smiling while her mouth was hanging open.

She just kinda stood there, staring at me, until I cleared my throat. Then she snapped out of her daze. She walked forward, reaching for a handshake while saying, "Hi, my names -" "Miranda Buckles", I said, finishing her sentence for her. "How do you know my name?", she asked. I pulled her phone out of my pocket, showed her the back, and she jumped with delight.

"Omg, how did you find my phone?!", she asked. "I found it in the alley by the backstage door last night.", I explained. "Well thank you so much for taking time out of your day to return it to me!", she said, reaching in for another handshake. That's when I did what she wasn't expecting.

I pulled her into a hug.

She was surprised, but soon hugged back. When I hugged her, I felt an explosion of fireworks inside of me. It was the most amazing sensation I have ever felt before! After a few seconds, I pulled away, and turned to her friend. "And who is this lovely lady?", I asked. "I'm her best friend, Mariah Soleta. It's nice to meet you Zayn!, she said. I pulled her into a hug too.

"Say, tomorrow the boys and I have the day off. Would girls like to come hang with us at the hotel?", I asked nervously. "That would be awesome!", they said in unison. "Sweet! I'll have our driver come pick you girls up at 9:30?". "Sounds good!" Miranda said. "See you girls tomorrow then!", I said, walking out the door. "Bye Zayn!", they yelled. I closed the door behind me, and let out a sigh of relief. That went WAY better than I thought it would! Tomorrow I going to be the best day ever!

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