Chapter 10

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                                                                ~Miranda's P.O.V~

Well for starters, today has been awesome! At first, we just sat in a circle on the floor and learned some things about each other. So far, I've learned that Louis has a stuffed carrot, Harry has a cat named dusty, Niall dyes his hair blonde, Liam is PETRIFIED of spoons, and Zayn has an older sister named Doniya, and 2 little sisters named Waliyha and Safaa.

After a few hours of that, Niall decided it was time for lunch. We decided to order room service, since none of us wanted to cook.  I got some four cheese ravioli, Mariah and Harry each got spaghetti and meatballs, Louis got chicken nuggets with a side of carrots, Liam got a chicken pot pie, Zayn got some pepperoni pizza, and Niall got about the whole menu!

We all also decided we should get deserts, and we all agreed on milkshakes. Zayn, Mariah, and I each got chocolate, Harry and Liam each got strawberry, Niall got a scoop of everything, and Louis decided to get orange sherbet after he got into an argument with the food management on how there wasn't any carrot flavored ice cream.

And as we waited for our food, Liam went and picked out a movie to watch. And of course, he picked Toy Story 3. Finally or food arrived, and everyone went into the living room, and got comfy. Liam laid on the floor while eating his chicken pot pie. Louis sat cross-legged next to him eating his chicken nuggets next to Liam. Harry and Mariah sat in the love seat, while eating their spaghetti and meatballs. And Zayn and I sat on the sofa, me eating my ravioli, and him eating his pizza. And as for Niall, he was having a four-course meal, while sitting right in front of the sofa.

After we were all done pigging out, we all threw away our garbage, and continued with the movie. in the middle of the movie, I looked around at everyone. Harry had his arm around Mariah, Liam was staring at the TV, Louis was cuddling with his stuffed carrot, Niall was asleep, and Zayn had his arm around me, and I was leaning my head on his shoulder.

And the weird thing was, none of this was at all awkward! I felt comfy and safe in Zayn's arms.

After the movie was done, it was only 3:30, and everyone thought we could use some fresh air, so we decided to go to the park. It was only a block away, and there weren't any screaming fans around, so it was easy to leave the hotel. We all decided to walk there, for more exercise.

When we got there, Louis decided he wanted to go on the swings first. We were all ok with that, but then he tried to climb into one of the baby swings. THAT was not a good idea! It took the boys about 20 minutes to get him out, and Liam put him on a bench in time-out for 15 minutes. But Louis wasn't going down without a fight, so Liam had to sit on him to make him stay on the bench.

 Zayn and I decided we wanted to swing now, so we sat down next to each other and talked for awhile. Zayn sat on the swing next to me for awhile, but he decided he wanted to push me on my swing so I let him. At first he was pushing very gently, but all of a sudden, he gave a hard shove, and started giving me an underdog! The whole time, I was laughing so hard, I almost fell off.

  I looked over to my right, and saw Harry pushing Mariah on the merry-go-round, while to my left, Liam was still sitting on Louis. After a few minutes, I heard yelling coming from my left, and looked just in time to see Louis pushing Liam off of him, and started reeking havoc on the play set. Me and Zayn decided that was Liam's problem and went back to sitting on a bench, and talking.

"So, are you having fun so far?", he asked. "Oh yeah. Today has been the BEST DAY EVER!", I said excitedly. When Zayn saw how happy I was, he started grinning like a maniac. "Good, because, I was hoping you girls would like to do this again tomorrow.", he said. "Only if you want to.", he added quickly. "Of course I want to! And I think Mariah would say the same.", I said, gesturing over to where Harry was giving her a piggy back ride, while she was laughing her ass of. Zayn and I were laughing our asses of too when we saw Liam still trying to catch Louis, while Louis was yelling, "FREE THE CARROTS!!".

-------------------------- 30 mins. later-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Now we are finally heading back to the hotel. We had just spent the last half hour trying to catch Louis. Man that kid can run! I swear, the carrots he eats are like steroids for his legs! Either that, or he is the son on Flash (the super hero with speedy powers).

We all thought it was a good idea to watch another movie when we got back, so we could rest. The first thing Louis did when we stepped into the room was run over to the TV to pick out a movie. He chose Finding Nemo, and jammed it into the DVD player. "OMG I LOVE FINDING NEMO!", I yelled, while sprinting to the sofa. "ME TO!", Louis yelled back, then he sprinted upstairs, and came back down in about 5 seconds flat, holding something in his hands.


" Aww Louis that's adorable!" I said. Then all the boys and Mariah came in the room, and we all resumed to our usual spots. Me and Zayn on the couch, Liam, Louis, and Niall on the floor, and Harry and Mariah on the love seat.

In the middle of the movie, we were all hungry so I decided to make 3 pizzas as our supper. One pizza for Niall, and the rest is for us. As I sat back down after everyone got their pizza, I remembered something.

"Hey, Zayn.", I said. "Yes love?', he asked. "Remember when you said we should all hangout again tomorrow?". He nodded, remembering when we were at the park and smiling. "Well, shouldn't we all have each others numbers? Just in case any of us need to cancel or get ahold of each other?". "Oh yeah, probably.", he said, nodding in agreement. Every one passed around their phones, as everyone put their names and numbers in them.

After a few more hours, I was getting very tired. I tried to hide it, but a HUGE yawn escaped my mouth. "Is someone tired?", Zayn asked smiling and looking down at me laying my head on his chest. "Only a little.", I replied with a yawn. "It's okay, you can go to sleep love. I'll make sure Harry doesn't do anything bad to you.", he said laughing, and sending everyone else into hysterics. "HEY!", Harry yelled defensively, while also laughing. "Okay, Zayn. G'night everyone!", I said sleepily. "G'night Miranda.", they replied before I fell into a deep, comfortable, relaxing sleep, and reminiscing in the good memories of what all happened today.

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