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(How much affection would they show?)

REKI: He would always show you affection, since he's not very good with words he shows his affection with physical touch.

LANGA: He wouldn't show you LOTS of affection, but a fair amount, since he was still getting used to it and he would be very nervous to make the first move.

MIYA: He would show you a little less than a fair amount of affection, mostly cuz he would be awkward and his pride is too big to make the first move.

JOE: He would love showing you affection, especially if you aren't a fan of pda then he would love teasing you.

CHERRY: He thinks he shows you a fair amount of affection, but really he doesn't show affection a lot, so you would always try to drop hints that you want affection. Or if you are the stubborn type and pretend nothings wrong until he notices.

(Who would be your best friend?)

REKI: Langa


MIYA: Reki

JOE: Cherry

CHERRY: Joe (and he would hate that)

(How much would they cuddle you?)

REKI: He would cuddle you a lot whenever you guys had sleepovers.

LANGA: He would awkwardly cuddle you when you guys would watch a movie, and if you two fell asleep he would unconsciously pull you closer.

MIYA: He would cuddle you whenever you really wanted to, but you would have to directly tell him you want to, and he would act like he didn't want to, but secretly he's always slightly happy you asked.

JOE: He would love cuddling you, and he would make up excuses to cuddle you like naps in the middle of the day.

CHERRY: You guys don't cuddle a lot during the day, but whenever you sleep at each other's house you fall asleep and wake up cuddling.

(What dates would you go on?)

REKI: He would take you anywhere, you two didn't care where you went as long as you had fun, skate parks, gas stations, fast food places, etc.

LANGA: He would occasionally try to be romantic and take you on picnics.

MIYA: He would take you to arcades and you two would get food after, but he would be too embarrassed to call it a date.

JOE: Romantic dinner, anything romantic, he loves putting in the extra effort for your dates.

CHERRY: Coffee Dates, and reading dates, very calm

(Would they have an ex?)

REKI: No, only a handful of people can handle reki, most people think he's complicated and selfish.


MIYA: Nope, he's very inexperienced

JOE: Yes, but surprisingly not as much as you would think.

CHERRY: Maybe like 1 or 2 when he was curious and wasn't very experienced.

(What would your fights be like and what would you be fighting about?)

REKI: You would argue about how he never opens up.

LANGA: You would be the one mostly arguing with how reckless he was.

MIYA: He would sometimes "argue" with you whenever you showed pda but he secretly enjoyed it

JOE: You two would jokingly argue about stupid things then just laugh about later.

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