Second Half Player

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((I've decided that I no long want this to be a super slow burn. Only because I feel like having it not be such a slow burn will bring bigger issues later on.))

After lunch I took off to a class I couldn't wait for. I have Spanish. Yes the school decided that Spanish was a class I needed. It was an easy A for me.

"Where you headed?" Lizzie asks me as she walks me to my next class. "Spanish. Look, I get that you are my captain. But I don't need any pity friends, especially not from an Olsen."

Lizzie stops in the hallway grabbing my wrist making me stop with her. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm not stupid okay? I know that you're sisters are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. I know that you are yourself, Elizabeth Olsen. I don't need pity friends that make rich people feel good that they have friends they can help out of the slumps. I don't need that." Especially not from you. I add in my head.

"Is that really why you think I want to be friends with you?" She asks looking me straight in the eyes. "Do you really think I'm that shallow person who feels the need to have a 'charity case' friend?" She whispers softly maintaining eye contact with me.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that's what you think of me and I will walk away. And that's the end of this."

I take a deep breath before I go to answer her.

"No." I whisper softly. "I don't think of you as that."

Lizzie smiles softly squeezing my hand. "I want to get to know you Nic. Who you are as a person. Inside and out. Please don't think that I'm in this for any other reason then that."

"Lizzie, I told you I'm not stupid, I know you don't want to be friends with me." I smirk looking at her. I watch as her eyes as they flick to my lips and back up to my eyes. "What if I don't?" She whispers softly.

"I have a boyfriend." I remind her, which is complete bullshit. I just don't want my dad to know that I am not straight.

"No you don't. I may have stalked you through Flo's Instagram" She reveals quietly. "Seriously? Lizzie, that's not okay. You know nothing about me... if you did you wouldn't want anything to do with me."

"Nicole Harper, I want to get to know you, all of you." Lizzie reveals. "I truly want to get to know you."

"Detention, both of you! Now get to class!" A teacher yells at us from down the hallway from us.

"¡Mierda!" (Shit!) I groan heading off to Spanish. I sit down in a seat near the back of the class, I take out a note book to take 'notes.' It's more for other classmates then for me.

"Bienvenidos a Spanish 102, espero que hayan tenido un buen verano. Por favor, dime una cosa que hiciste este verano, en español." The spanish teacher says to the class, "can anyone tell me what I just said?"

"Welcome to Spanish 102, I hope you all had a good summer. Please tell me one thing you did this summer, in Spanish." I answer the question. "Good job..." "Nicole." "Good job Nicole. I see someone kept up with their Spanish lessons this summer."

Who's going to tell her? I've been speaking Spanish before I learned how to speak English.

The rest of class went by uneventful. Thank goodness for that. I took notes so the teacher wouldn't think I was slacking off in class.

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