2 - Trouble At The Market

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A/N - Dramaaaaaa as always be you're probably used to it by now 💅

The picture is of a Sahara Desert Kingdom market, again similar to what I imagine Yahnaba's market to look like, only with taller buildings surrounding it and having it be a larger market 😊

Also enjoy learning Arabic because I certainly am 🤣


Dishes clashed against each other as Elizabeth promptly placed them in the small bowl of lukewarm water on the table. She rolled up the baggy sleeves of her sapphire zina dress, before plunging her hands into the liquid. Grabbing a rough sponge, she began to scrub the the food and stains off the crockery. Elizabeth was no stranger to hard work but equally she often wondered why she chose to do this when she had enough money to buy some fancy mansion, kitted out with staff aplenty.

But then she did know why: Elizabeth simply liked the quiet and the comfiness of a smaller atmosphere. There was less drama, less fuss and now a certain special person that she lived for.


Elizabeth gasped and brought her sopping wet hand to her chest, sharply inhaling as she felt the liquid soak through her clothing, pausing as she looked at the young teen girl who had suddenly popped up from the other end of the table, "Hanna, I swear - "

But the young girl laughed at her carer's reaction, holding her stomach as she chuckled deeply, sweetly, her eyes scrunched up at the sides and tears of laughter spilling from her tightly shut eyes, "Your face!"

"Ooh, you little - come here!"

Elizabeth darted after the girl, who squealed excitably as she chased her around their quaint and often dusty home, wet sponge in hand as she tried to spray the girl with water too. Having cornered her, the young teen playfully pleaded for Elizabeth to reconsider.

"Come on now, Eliza - Liza - I know you
are a good person!"

"A good person just getting her own back!" The ex-thief announced as she drew the sponge above the girl's head and squeezed the water out of it.

The girl gasped as the water made contact with her head, soaking her raven-black hair and clothed shoulders. It was almost satisfying to watch the bright green of her zina dress darken to a more forest-y green after contact with the water. Elizabeth chuckled at the shocked, soaked sight of her as she headed back to her washing up. Shaking her head, she plunged the sponge back into the water, grabbing the plate she had only just started cleaning prior to her fright.

"You should see your face." Elizabeth commented with a snicker as Hanna headed for the small pile of towels.

"Ha-ha..." Came her sarcastic response as she wandered back over to the table where Elizabeth (or at least Eliza as she knew her) stood, "Are we heading to the market today?"

"Yes, after I'm done here and after you have had a go at the work I made for you last night."

"You are starting our lessons again?"

"Yes." Elizabeth smiled, pleased to see she was excited, "Your English is getting better - you're a quick learner."

"Baba - my father - he was half-English. He spoke little of it but taught me what he knew before he..."

The girl trailed off, her brows crunching up in the middle as her gaze fell to the floor. She never liked to think about what had happened.

Elizabeth paused her washing up, "I'm sorry, Hanna."

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