A Time for Grief

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"Link... I... I cannot express how happy I am that you received permission to visit our Domain... funny how Hylia works in such mysterious ways." The Zora princess said with a subtle smile, swinging her feet from side to side atop Ruta's trunk. "It... It has been such... such a long time since we both had the opportunity to sit together... you know, alone like this...."

Even now, not a single sound came from his part, much less an actual answer that could be continued upon.

Mipha seized this opportunity and shifted closer to Link's side while his attention was focused elsewhere, and ever so slightly - inch by inch - as to not attract his attention... though it was blatantly obvious he was well-aware.

Link arrived earlier this morning with the purpose of providing assistance for her combat training since something was bothering her as of lately, hindering the effectiveness of executing her famed trident skills, especially that they were now essential more than ever. Every second counted. His surprise visit, which hadn't been made known to her for whatever reason, nearly caused her body to collapse from shock at the sight. In defense, who was she to blame though? The last time they saw each other... well, together like this, was before his transition into knighthood.... and getting appointed as Zelda's personal bodyguard on top of that. Most visits following that event were strictly reduced to weekly meetings between the Champions... or the occasional, and unfortunately illegal times she would leave her post and visit during nights. How long had it actually been... a year? Two? At this point she lost track of time, and yet it was still an awful long time of distance between two um... friends.

With the continuous omens concerning Ganon's awaited return, she nervously waited for an opening to talk with Link and build back the relationship they had established beforehand... day after day she spent gazing longingly at the Great Zora Bridge, anticipating the familiar figure to appear; those extensive moments were horrendous to even look back upon.

She couldn't forget about the armor as well... much less the armor! Why would it even make sense in times like these? Love? Romantic feelings?! These path weren't meant to be explored when Ganon could return any day! Ahh she didn't know what to do!!! Link may not be able to visit again and the opportunity will pass up once more!!! No, she must gather the courage to confess the truth... she must! Initiate a conversation!

"Um... Link, I err... nearly forgot to ask how your training has been going. You've helped me hone my skills to such an extent today... I... it would seem selfish that I should not in the very least inquire the same. The Princess, Zelda, is she well?"

For a moment, it seemed like Link hadn't heard her question. All Mipha could do was scream in her head as the wrong question escaped her lips. No, the worst possible question. How could she be so moronic?!

His eyes appeared strongly transfixed on the central province of Hyrule... the view from atop Ruta's trunk was perfect in spotting it... that's where Hyrule Castle was situated... and Zelda. He slowly shook his head from the sight as Mipha expected to receive a cold shrug from him.

"Training.... it....." He mumbled gingerly, causing for her heart to skip a beat.

"W-What? Training? D-Do you mean our training session? Should we continue or...."

She could not believe it. Did Link just say something?! Actual coherent words??? There was no way in Hylia she was hearing correct. Either that or this was the afterlife.

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