t w e n t y - s e v e n

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EEEEK!EXTRA EARLY UPDATE! I hope this makes up for my two months of zero updates:)

ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2,6 K READS! Thank you for taking your time to vote! You make my day. ^_^

 Dedicated to @MiaLove949, @imma_ssod_dancer5678 and @Justin_Bieber9669 for voting fo the previous chapter. I'll be doing these more often,to thank you guys for voting.

This is also dedicated to @martingarrix for being my absolute favorite author on wattpad - her writing has inspired me so much. x


I sit there,on the floor with my back pressed against the soft grey sheets of the bed. I stare out of the window in silence. The weather today is good. Quite the opposite of how I feel.

I check my phone - it's twenty three past seven in the evening. The sun has started to set, creating the most beautiful orange and yellow harmony at the hills where it's setting behind.

Elle likes sunsets, she would always wait for them, every evening. She'd stare at it and her grey eyes would get a slightly orange tint as she'd smile.

Then she'd comment how beautiful the colors look and that she and her dad would watch the sunset together when she was little, and go on walks and talk about the universe.

'' He'd show me pictures of galaxies and ramble about how incredible the universe was, but I found the colors more fascinating than anything. ''

She told me that once.

It's our birthday tomorrow. I'll be turning eighteen and she'll be seventeen.

How am I suppose to wish her a happy birthday, when I can't even look at her without my eyes watering. It's come to the point when I'm not even mad at her anymore, I just miss her so much. 

I miss her so damn much, but I'm too much of a coward to make the first move. I'm scared of her reaction, to be honest. I don't want to barge into her room and kiss her, even if it sound appealing right now.

I want her to make the first move.

You aren't giving her much opportunities to do it,

My self conscious barks at me and I know that it's the truth. I have been avoiding her, simply because I can't look at her without imagining her kissing Shawn and it makes my heart ache. Two weeks have been the longest that we haven't spoken with each other for the past two months that we've known each other and it's driving me insane. 

I wish I could just tell her that I forgive her and that I miss her but I can't.

When I look back at the hills, the sun has set and the sky is now a faded shade of blue, almost a light blueish grey.

It reminds me of Elle's eyes.

They're a really light blue color the moment she wakes up, then they're a blueish grey during the day, and they're a light grey just before she closes her eyes to sleep. They're my favorite feature of hers, her eyes.


I can't do it anymore.

I can't.

I jump up from the bed and stand up.I look straight at my door.

I have to see him.

My bare feet pad against the floor quietly as I burst out of my room, leaving my door wide open.

I run down the hall.

My hair is falling everywhere as I run towards Cameron's room. I freeze in my spot, right in front of his door.

I knock on his door twice.


Then I hear lots of shuffling in his room and the doors burst open. Cameron stands there, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes,wide.

I don't give myself time to chicken out.

I lean forward and throw my arms around his neck. Tears threaten to fall, and this time, I let them. I cry into his chest as vanilla and cinnamon completely fills my nostrils.

I wait for him to push me back and cuss me out, but it doesn't happen. Slowly, his arms wrap around me and they close so tight, there is no space between us.

For the first time in days, I can breathe.

It feels so good to finally hold him, even if just for a few seconds. I know that after he pulls away, whatever this is will be the same as it was for the past two weeks - nothing.

I don't realize Cameron has walked backwards while we're still hugging, until I hear the door slam shut.That's when I jump away a little,but I still hold him and he still holds me.

My heart has dropped to my stomach as I look straght into his eyes. I'm afraid of his reaction.

There's so many emotions I feel that I want to say, but I frankly don't know how to. I am completely speechless.

I wait for him to speak up but he just looks at me.

His gaze drops to my lips and my heart flutters. He looks back into my eyes. We just stand there, in silence.

Just as I'm about to speak up, his lips crash onto mine with need.

I sigh into the kiss. It feels good. I can feel my heart slowly mend while we kiss our pain away.

The kiss is full of so much need, so much passion. It's so intense that I feel it everywhere - every part of my body has ignited into this passionate fire and I desperately hold onto the feeling. It fuels my body from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.

I can finally breathe.

 very much unedited. I don't have time to edit, because I have my volleyball practice. I'll see you in april.

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