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''what's it like being on tour?''
''Well, to be honest,I don't really know. I've never been on tour,but I've been on some mini tours.''
''What mini tours?''I asked and turned my head,facing Cameron.
''Well,me and the boys have had many meetups in different cities and it's amazing.You get to meet all these people that follow your life on social media.You have no idea how it feels when someone tells you you're their idol.In person,that is.''Said Cam smiled at the ceiling.

We were currently laying on my bed in my room,both on our backs,just looking at the ceiling and talking.
Just enjoying peace and quiet since the boys are nowhere to be seen.

''So,are you going to tell me something more about you or am I going to talk on and on about nothing?''Said Cameron and raised his eyebrows at me.I chuckled and looked back at the ceiling,not answering.
''Yes,Cam?''I asked,still looking at the ceiling,my mind wondering where the boys could be.
''Do you believe in love at first sight?''
I turned my face to Cam and our gazes locked together.He seemed to be staring deeply at me and I felt as if he was reading me,just by looking at my eyes.
''No,I don't.''I said and turned my head away from him to look at the ceiling.
''Do you?''
''I do.But I believe in love at first talk.I think you can easily fall in love with a person's personality.The looks are only a bonus.''He said and I smiled.
''Have you ever been in love?''I couldn't help myself but ask.I was curious about the whole thing.
''Yeah.Have you been?''He asked me.I bit my lip,thinking of whether I should answer truthfully or not.
I didn't want to tell him my whole experience but at the same time I didn't want to lie.Even if we've known each other for a week,I saw Cam as a good friend.Not a best friend,yet that is.
I still needed to study him and get to know a lot of things about him,even if I already knew a lot of things about him.

''I've been..in love.Only once.''I answered,speaking the truth.I was only in love once in my life already,and I was a stupid girl then.
''Care to share the details?'He asked.
''Fell for a boy,thought he was perfect,turns out it was a plan to use me.''I said and put on a fake smile,trying to show Cam that it was okay.

But it was not okay.It's not okay to have someone mean the world to you,but having turn out that they were a whole different person.
It's not okay to tell someone lies daily,telling you how much you mean to them and how perfect you are,just to take something from you.
It's not okay have your heart broken when you're a teen and it's not okay that you become afraid of being in love after that.

''I would never use you like that.''Said Cameron,grabbing my hand which was resting next to me,into his.I smiled at him.
I cared too much for a boy I've only known for a week,yet I knew him well.
Cameron was one of the best people I've met in my life,and I've met a lot of people in my short life.Cameron was..well,Cameron.
He was a sweetheart.He was nice,he always had a way with words and he always listened to every single thing I said.

He was too perfect,and I couldn't help but feel as if he wasn't real.He was everything I liked in a person.

''What interests you?What to you want to do in your life?''He asked.I smiled.
''I want to live full.I want to travel and take silly pictures and meet different people.I want to visit every single country in the world and I want to take pictures of all of it.I want to decide to go somewhere, and when I decide, I want to go the same day.I want to have a crazy life and I want to be crazy with it.I want to go to concerts,I want to go to festivals.I want to try new things,go bungee jumping,hike the tallest mountain.I want to rent a boat and travel overseas,I want to rent a car and go on random road trips.I want to experience new things,and I want someone to do it with me.Everyone lives,but not everyone lives full.I don't want to be famous,I don't want to be remembered.I just want to feel free.What about you?''I asked him.
''Unlike you,I want to be remembered.I want to do something that people won't forget.I want to be remembered as the guy who did good things.I want to leave my name somewhere.I want to be the one kids learn about when I die.Everyone wants to be famous,but I just want to be remembered.I don't want my name or work be forgotten and I want people to know there once lived a Camer0n Dallas,as cheesy as it sounds,it's true.I want to experience new things and get to know new people.See different places.''He replied.

''El,this is going to be random okay,but answer truthfully.''He said,gazing into my grey eyes with his brown ones.
I nodded at him.
''Who was your first kiss?''He asked.I started blushing.
''Come on,tell me!''He said and laughed at my red cheeks,poking them.
That only made my blush more.
He rolled his body and threw himself across my torso,making me groan.
''Cam,you're heavy!''I complained.
''Answer me and I'll get off you!''He said.
''Okay,okay!!Just get off me!''I said and laughed.He quickly got off me and laid back to his previous spot which was next to me.
''I haven't had my first kiss yet.''I admitted,looking at the ceiling.
''What?How is that possible?''He asked.
''Me and the boy I fell in love with,never kissed,on the lips I mean.Well I at least know why,now.''I said and chuckled.
There was a brief moment of silence between us,before Cam interrupted it.
''Elle,you know I care for you,right?''Said Cameron.I nodded.
''I want you to have your first kiss with someone who cares for you.''He said.I looked back to him and swallowed,nodding.
''But..I uh,I don't know what to do.''I admitted,putting my palms over my face in embarrassment.

He chuckled and clasped his palms around my wrists,slowly moving them off my face.

''Hey,Hey.Don't worry about it,okay?Just let it happen.''He said.
I bit my lip and nodded.

He cupped my right cheek with his palm and licked his lips,gazing at my eyes and then at my lips.He slowly leaned in,and just before our lips connected my eyes automatically closed.
It felt weird at first but then something started tingling in me.
Cam's lips making and losing contact with mine.
That's what I felt at first.Then,my stomach started doing flips and I felt good.I felt..amazing and I found myself kissing back.
My mind was blank,there was only Cameron.
My arm draped around his neck and he leaned his face a bit to the left as he deepened the kiss.

It was happening.I was having my first kiss with Cameron.

And I loved every second of it.

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