Chapter 2:~Callon de Restiro~

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A man with dark black hair and green eyes, dressed in red clothes with mantel and black boots run through the head town of The Light Kingdom from The Light Kingdom's Guards. The people immediately backed away in shock. Callon wouldn't let the guards catch him. Someone had already tried to assassinate him. He would not be tricked again.
He suddenly stumbled to the ground and the guards grabbed him and dragged him up from the ground. "By order of The Queen, you're here by orders brought to the castle for protection," The commander declared. 'Protection?,' Callon thought confused, 'Did The new Queen Elora know who he is?,' He obeyed the guards will and allowed them to take him back to The Light Kingdom's castle.

Elora sat with her family at the meeting when North entered. "My Queen, we have found Callon de Restiro alive and well," He declared. Elora let out a breath and relief. "Bring him here, North," And North nodded and left.
Soon, Callon entered the hall with the guards behind him. Elora showed the guards to leave. Callon bowed his head before Elora. "My Queen," Elora smiled, "You don't have to address me like that, mellon nín. You didn't do that with Pharom and Aranel, did you?," And Callon swallowed nervously. "No, Your Majesty. At least not when we were not in public," And Elora smiled at him. "You know I brought you here for your own safety," And Callon smiled, "I am well aware, mellon nín. I have been waiting to meet you. So I can help you and start painting again. All my works are hidden in this very castle in the painting room Aranel offered/gave me," Elora smiled, "Then you shall have that room back and you shall have new chambers here in the castle," Everyone could tell that Callon was rather shocked and surprised and that Elora's offer was not what he had expected. "Your Grace, you don't even know me. Why would you offer me something like this?," Callon asked confused. Elora smiled, "Because you are a friend of my ancestors and loyal to me. And now you're in danger since I heard someone was trying to kill you. But how exactly are you alive? You're not an elf," And Callon smiled, "No, I'm not an elf, my Lady. I'm a Lamina. We're immortal humans though we have pointed ears like the elves and Leclitras. But one of your ladies is a Lamina, is she not?," And Elora smiled, "Yes, she is," And Callon smiled. Callon smiled, "Well, it's an honour to serve you, Elora," And he stood up and went against the great hall.
Elora turned to him. "Wait? Where are you going?," And Callon smiled, "Back to my painting room, of course, your Majesty," And Elladan helped his wife stand up and they went after Callon.
Callon walked over to the light wall and moved his hand over it and then unlocked a secret room behind the wall.
Elora was amazed by all the beautiful paintings. "You've made all of these? They're magnificent," And Callon smiled, "Thank you, Elora. I've really missed this place," And Elora's eyes landed on a painting of a man with golden short blonde hair and blue eyes leaning backwards and he had bare chest. Under him laid a woman with golden long hair in a side a position dressed in a white long dress with long sleeves. "Who's this?," Elora asked. Callon turned to her. "Oh, that's Pharom and his lover Madelyn. Fortunately, it survived Pharom's outbreak after being dumped off the easel," And Elora looked at him confused, "Outbreak?," And Callon sighed, "Madelyn was actually married to someone else and her and Pharom's relationship was a secret. When the painting of them was finished, she came to see it again on my exhibition. That's when I found out she was not well. When her husband find out she was in love with Pharom, he locked her in the basement without water or food. Pharom later came to find her a few days later and forced her husband to take him to her. But she was already drained. Her last words was 'You're Light Elf. First and last,'. And Pharom told her 'No, no, I'm yours,' And then she died before his eyes. I then decided to paint her and Pharom again, when he interrupted me before Aranel and screamed at me: Anyone, anyone can't build a panel and pretend that it means something! It means nothing!,' And then he faced me and said, 'To you she meant something. To me... To me she was everything,'. A few months later when Pharom was 23, he was murdered in The Light Kingdom's meeting hall in the middle of a meeting by The Westerns. He was stabbed 26 times to death. After that, Aranel lost himself in vengeance. I took care of Phalo, Pharom's 2 years old illegitimate son for a few years before I returned him to Meara, Pharom's and Aranel's mother. Aranel then changed. Phalo was for him like having a part of his brother with him again," And Elora looked at him confused, "But what happened to Phalo after Aranel's death?," And Callon sighed, "Elora, my friend, I'm afraid I do not know. Murdered or poisoned, I guess," And Elora sighed but nodded, "But you said you've painted every Light Elf since you started working for them?," And Callon nodded, "Yes, but not everyone," And he gave Elora a gentle smile. Elora looked at him confused, "You want to paint me?," And Callon nodded, "Yes, I've painted all Light Elves since Aranel became King. And I want to paint you and your husband," And Elladan looked at him doubtfully, "Alright, for you Elora," And Elora smiled at her husband. "Alright. Then we begin tomorrow,"Callon said. And Elladan looked at him confused, "So soon?," And Callon smiled, "Of course. I have everything ready and painting like this takes time, My King, you understand," And he clapped Elladan's shoulder.
Everyone couldn't help but letting out small laughs at Elladan's reaction.
And Thranduil was happy to see that his daughter had come so far. But he feared that the Sauron was coming closer to reach his daughter.
To lose Elora would be like losing his wife over again. He couldn't let that happen.

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