Chapter 10:~Monster in your head~

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Elora watched herself kill another human with her magic while the orcs attacked other places of the village. The people screamed: "She's a Witch! She's a monster!, a demon!,"
Elora saw another life drain from her hands. She was a monster. Sauron and Hadrian's darkness in her heart had made her to a monster. She noticed one of her golden blonde locks turn dark black. She looked at her hands that were crackling of her magic.
She swallowed. She was not an elf anymore. She was a monster.

Legolas and Pippin sat alone in their cell. Elora had not returned for hours. Legolas wondered what Hadrian and Sauron was doing to her. He started getting worried.
Suddenly, the cell door opened and Elora was thrown into the cell. Legolas was shocked as he saw his sister. One of her golden blonde locks had turned black.
Elora did not look at Legolas, nor did she speak. She just quietly went over to her corner of the cell and sank down to the floor.
Legolas wondered what Sauron had made her do. On her clothes, there was signs of blood. Was she injured? Or was it something else?
Elora leaned her head against the wall. She wanted freedom. Who was she? Why did Sauron just want her? It couldn't just be her Light elf blood. She has always felt like she wasn't fully an elf. The people had called her a demon. What if she had demon blood? But that was not possible, was it?
The peoples words were repeating in her head: Witch! Monster! Demon! What had they made her into?.

Emersion and the others walked through the open ground. Elladan has appointed North as regent while they were gone and hoped himself that he would return with his wife.
Suddenly, they reached the destroyed village, dead bodies of humans laying on the ground. "This is the work of Sauron," Gandalf sighed. And Emersion sighed, "I don't think he did it himself. He couldn't," "Orcs," Elrond said. Galadriel shook her head, "There's something else," Charline turned to Emersion. "You feel what I feel?," She asked. Emersion sighed, "Yes. Magic. Light elf magic. Elora did this," Thranduil swallowed. His own daughter had murdered all these innocent humans.
Charline sighed, "She went this way," And they left.

Elora couldn't take the pain. She let her heart be consumed by more darkness and more of her hair hand turned dark black.
Legolas watched his sister suffer and he sighed. What he saw wasn't his sister. It was someone else that he had never seen in her before. It was a demon.
Elora glanced at her brother. She needed to get her brother and the hobbit out of here before the monster inside her awoke.
Suddenly, Hadrian entered the cell and dragged Elora up from the floor and dragged her out of the cell, locking the cell door behind him.

Elora screamed and fell to her knees. The evil voices in her head wouldn't disappear. "You've served well, little Princess," Sauron said, "But we need that light of yours. What's good that you're Light elf means your heart won't blacken, which means that light of yours will burn forever until we kill you ourselves," And Elora looked up at them. "Please, let my brother and the hobbit go. You have what you want!," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "But of course, little Princess! We will let your brother and the hobbit go. Now," And Elora swallowed. "Because we have you under our control," Sauron finished. And Elora swallowed. She was in darkness and she couldn't get out. But in her heart, there was voice that was telling her that they're coming to save her. Do not give up. She wondered what that voice meant.

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