you betrayed me

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light stormed into the room. he was angry. why????? because of his sussy baka... L. you wont belive what he did.;.........

'L............. WHY DID U FUCK MY DAD >:('

'w-what' L said.. stuttering and blushing like the sussy baka he is...

suddenly Light burst into song like the king he is

'black guilty eyes....and little white lies....'

L gulped as he word these words... light only sang olivia rodrdehajhfo when he was mad, so l knew... that he alpha was mad....

'yeah i played du,mb but i alwasy knew.....'

'you fucked my dad.... maybe ddi even worse..'

L gasped.... how dare he accuse him of this.... i mean hes right but what  the hell. lights dad was the dilfiest dilf to ever could L resist him when lights dad walked aaround barefoot......

'i JKEPT QUIET SO I COULD DKEEP YOU' Light was singing and sobbing and crying now...

L's eyes widened... his alpha always knew...... and he still tsayed with L..... HE BLushed.


L was mad.... how dare he say this when Light was just as guilty, perhaps evfen more guilty... that rights..... L knew....

'and aint it funny how you said you were friends' L said in a mad tone... he had finally stood up to his alpha.

Light was shcokef...... what was L on abpit.......... did he know.......#

'now iT sure as hell don't loook like it' l said as he showed a collectgtion of pictites of ryuk and light sharing apple, kisisng and huggging

it was lights time to gasp now... how did light know about ryu.k..... he assumed he was takking baout misa... that bitch.....

L smirked as he saw lighst reaction... he could undertsnad it tbh.... ryuk was hot as hell i mean dam have u seen his hand heis face and dammmm he literally wears a skirt literrally hot daddy???? 


they completed the song... and as tghey were both mad at the time they called it quits...

2 days later...

l and lights dad (i forgot his nme oopsies....) were laying in bed.. they were married now. L wanted to piss of light and ofc lights dad agreeed. i mean if light was ur son you would ruin his life too 🤣😂

'im mr. loverman........ and i MISS MY LOVER MANENFENNGHGH4JRKGHTJEFK' L burst into tearas.... he missed his alpha.......

lights dad tu8rned to look at L and handed him the divorce papers... he was sad but oh well he was hot so like he coulkd pull anyone else.

Lught was sitting in his new apartment. he has two people aorund and yet he enever felt so alone.......</3 

misa and ryuk were sitting on the floor, bioth massageing lights feet. light was disappoinyed.... no one could massage his feet like his sussy baka L could....

misas playlist started playing and THE song came on

'hey i can explain-' misa stsarted

light wsa not mad.. insteasd he started singikng

'im mr lovermn... and i mISS MY L(OVERMAN)'

misa and ryuk looked at each other and both stsrated putting shoes on lioghst feet. (he definarly doesnt wear socks so L can have a sneaky look at his feet and he enjoys sinking up the whole police place with his feety stench)

light started running.... and he saw a message..

'meet me at our spot'

it was from L.... his omega >:)... l wanted him backk.....

they both arrived at the foot cafe at the same time..

they passiontly kissed and started reciting their wedding vows to each other.


l started singing 

'sometimes all i think about is u heatwaves in the middkle of june'

light blushed and they ending up getting re married.

they had 69 children and 420 grand kids.

they both died from heart attacks </3


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