Too old for me.

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Now, he's fourteen. Our lives are too short, but it's like I predicted. Every night, he goes out with his friends and doesn't come home till late. Yes, I still give him a curfew but he doesn't follow it.

He started having hatred towards me. 

The other night, he asked for a new coat. It was too expensive, and now that he is growing up, he wants more things that are out of my price range. I can barely afford food or rent, and buying things for him on top of that makes things worse. I have holes in all my clothes, shoes, underwear and socks. 

Every time I go out to buy myself something, he stops me. I can never have anything nice, I should've said no more when he was younger, now he is taking and advantage out of it to get what he wants. 

Every time I say no, as I do not have enough, he screams at me. Telling me how he will end his life if he doesn't get what he wants. I have to go into my savings account, which I am saving for his dream college, and get him what he wants.

He doesn't understand anything I tell him. 

At one point, things got seriously bad. I told him he couldn't have the new Jordan's that came out. He screamed, yelled, everything that he could possibly do to make me feel guilty. 

He screamed outrageously, in my face, " I HATE YOU WITH EVERY PIECE OF ME."

At that point, I couldn't feel anything other than guilty. Did I do anything wrong growing him up? Did I become a bad father? Did I treat him incorrectly?

The words replaying in my mind, all  night long. I got no sleep, I couldn't eat or drink. But, of course he acted like nothing happened. 

Skipped school, went to the mall with my money that I kept in a cookie tin above the fridge. How he knew where it was, I don't know. But that money, it was for his birthday.

I was saving for everything on his birthday list: Ps4, Xbox 360, Iphone 12 max, Macbook air, 65 inch TV, gucci and prada backpack. 

It was all too much. What could I have done to prevent this?

Goodbye, son.Where stories live. Discover now