Who's your daddy? (Rewrite)

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image: Zylinderkopf on DeviantArt


//The book will remain discontinued, but since it keeps getting traction, I can't help but feel like I should at least post something, whether it be a rewrite or a new chapter. Keep in mind this is simply for fun, I have no intention of continuing this book and if I post, they will be very irregular. I'm writing this because the first and second chapters happen to be the ones I dislike the most.//

Maybe you were overreacting or taking things out of hand, but Kusuo seemed to be acting quite... strange. He seemed more distant and barely even spoke to you, so you had decided to give him space and do your own thing, though it didn't seem to do anything. Gently biting the inside of your cheek, you watched as he left once more in concern. Just why was he doing this? You couldn't help but overthink at this point. Walking forward, you made your way to the door but paused, maybe you should confront him...? That would probably be a good idea... maybe. Geez... When had things gotten so complicated? If you didn't know your husband, your initial thought would likely be that he was cheating on you. However, the thought alone was simply stupid. Kusuo Saiki? The man who wasn't even interested in someone as beautiful as Teruhashi Kokomi? Yeah right. Glancing down at your hand, you eyed the two rings on it, one was the wedding band, the other being a ring Kusuo had purchased a few years ago when he was in High School. The metal had the ability to block out Kusuo's telepathy, so it was a handy tool for you at the moment who was so frustrated with the psychic.

You perked up at the sound of the footsteps of the man in question. As usual, he was eating something sweet, but in his hands was a book. He seemed to have been reading up until now. Deciding that now was as good a time as ever, you quickly rushed forward, grabbing his arm to stop him from moving any further, startling him in the process. "Kusuo..." You started, looking at him with eyebrows arched up, a look of concern and slight fear on your face. "Why have you been avoiding me lately? Have I done something wrong?" You questioned, looking over at him. The pink haired psychic contemplated telling you, the look on your face tugging at his heart strings, but as he imagined you calling him childish for being like this, the man gently shrugged your hand off his arm. Seconds later, he was gone from sight. 

Gritting your teeth and clenching your fist, you angrily went to your room, changing into something casual before stepping out, once more, insecurities and doubts began to flood, 'Does he even love me?' You thought bitterly.

'Did he ever even love me?'

'He's always been indifferent about girls, why should I be the exception?'

'What if... What if he merely married me to ease the concerns of his parents?'

Kicking a small pebble from the ground, you swallowed down the urge to cry, thankful to know the Germanium ring was blocking off these shameful thoughts any psychic, including your husband. Without realizing, your legs had led you to your husband's favorite cafe. His friend, Mera used to work here during her High School days, you still remembered visiting here with Kusuo, who was your boyfriend at the time. With a slight smile, you walked in, the bell lightly ringing to indicate a new costumer had walked in. 

"Hiii~ Welcome!" 

A cheery waitress exclaimed, leading you to a table near the window. Her purple hair bounced with each of her bubbly movements. She handed you a menu, which you didn't even need at this point. After a bit of thought, you decided that maybe if you got him his favorite dessert, he might consider speaking to you. "Could I get three cups of coffee jellies to g, please?" You questioned politely, the waitress grinning at you and letting out a cheerful 'Right away miss!' before disappearing to the kitchen. Not long after the waitress left, a flash of pink caught your eye. snapping your head in that direction, your eyes widened when you were met with the sight of Kusuo, your husband, entering the cafe with the majority of his friends. The ones that were missing were: Aren Kuboyasu, Chisato Mera, and Chiyo Yumehara. As always, Teruhashi stuck to the psychic like glue. You'd think she'd move on after all these years. Furrowing your brows, you watched the group with a slight glare, jealousy eating away at you. But ultimately, you let it be. Who's to say he won't run away again? The desserts arrived just in time. Finally, you could leave this dreaded place. 

Jealous! Kusuo Saiki x Reader Lemon [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now