Enjoying the risks, are you?~

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It had been a while since you and Kusuo had gone out and so, you both decided that it would be best to do so. 'Are you ready?' He walked over to you as you stared into the mirror, fixing your H/C hair. Eyes shifting to look at his taller form in the mirror, a smile presented itself on your features. "Yeah." you responded quietly. The weight of his body was pressed up against you in rare affection, his arms wrapping around your waist as he planted gentle kisses along your shoulder. Your face flared a deep red as you giggled, the kisses tickling you ever so softly, though it was pleasant. Its not like you two were going anywhere fancy, just the mall, really. But a day with your significant other was one to be cherished You turned around to look at the handsome man you called your husband, planting a tender kiss on his lips before pulling back. "Let's go, Ku." you muttered softly, planting yet another kiss before slipping out of his grasp. The pink haired male couldn't help but crack a smile in you direction, feeling his heart swell up as he gave you a loving look that he would never express in public. 

As the two of you locked the front door, you decided to walk there, since it only meant more time with each other. You glanced at his hand and then back at his handsome feature. Thinking about it, this was probably his way of wordlessly apologizing for his somewhat toxic and annoying behavior last time. Ignoring you because of his jealousy, assuming that the delinquent would attempt to win you over-- and succeed. It was no surprise that the situation bothered him though, you were oblivious to these kind of things. Meanwhile him, as a psychic, knowing exactly how the renewed male felt about you, he became bothered and somewhat insecure. Though he would never admit that out loud. Kusuo, noticing your stare, internally chuckled to himself, thinking about how cute you could be at times. His hand found it way to yours, slowly intertwining his fingers with yours. As the building came to view, your lips tugged upwards into a wide small, it had been a while since you both came here. It was quite nostalgic, as dumb as it sounds. 
Kusuo remained expressionless, as always. He never liked showing emotions in public, it just wasn't his style, didn't fit to his stoic persona. You, on the other hand, were very expressive. Its not like you could help it, but nevertheless, he liked that about you. Unlike a certain blue haired girl, you weren't fake, and it showed. You gently pulled him along as you pointed at a men's clothing store. "C'mon! I wanna see you try out some of the clothes here!" Your enthusiasm almost brought a smile to his face as he agreed. The two of you walked into the store and you gushed at the options, the clothing weren't for you, but you couldn't help but grow excited to see your husband in the different sets of clothing.

After having picked out some clothes, you eagerly pushed him into the dressing room, him releasing a sigh in mock annoyance, causing you to pout at his attitude. However, your face brightened as you heard the shuffling of clothes. Kusuo, on the other side of the door was looking the the clothes you had picked out, a greenish blue turtleneck and black ripped jeans. What an odd combo. He quickly got undressed and as he was trying on one pair of clothes you had picked out for him, he could hear the conversation you were having with one of the male workers, "So..." The employee started, you glancing at him before looking back at the door, waiting for your lover with an excited glint in your eyes, "I've never been one to beat around the bush, so, May I have your number?" He said with a cocky smirk. Kusuo, listening, froze. His fist clenched around the fabric of the shirt. But before he could act, you spoke, "No." you flat out refused the now dejected looking employee, "Wha-" before he could continue his sentence, you turned, "For two reasons. One, you're not my type, and two, I'm married." You cocked an eyebrow at the embarrassed male, giving him a sassy look. Kusuo, from behind the door, smirked. 
He wondered why he hadn't trusted you to do the same about the former delinquent, and frankly, he felt stupid. Kusuo hated to admit it, but he's have to apologize to you for being such a dumbass. Once he finished getting dressed into the first pair, he opened the door and peaked his head, watching as you glared holed into the suddenly shy employee, embarrassment clear in his expression. "Y/N." Kusuo called out, making you turn your head once more. Once your E/C irises landed on the pink haired boy, your heart nearly gave out. Skipping multiple beats at a time 'oh fuck.' Was your only thought as your face lit up like Christmas lights, a deep red coating the otherwise S/C skin. The shirt blended perfectly with his lime glasses and and green eyes, the black jeans contrasting the brighter greenish blue in a perfect blend. You weren't expecting for it to look at good, but you guessed it was your husband's looks that made it look so good. Once snapping out of your trance, you noticed the almost invisible smirk on your husband's face, shit, you forgot he could hear your thoughts. The employee was long gone by now.
Kusuo couldn't help but crack a smile, looking at you flustered face, he walked closer until there was hardly any distance between you two, '"oh fuck"? hm~?' He quietly teased, leaning closer to your flushed face, "I-..." you stammered out a response, "I'm sorry, I c-couldn't help it." you muttered, placing a hand in front of your red face, however, said hand was grabbed. The pink haired boy giving you a look you knew all to well. Shaking your head, you pleaded, "Please, not in public." It had been a while since you two had some private time in the bedroom, and the thought of fucking in a public place was kind of a turn on, though you couldn't deny how embarrassing that would be if someone heard you. You could just imagine Kusuo ravaging your body in a place like a dressing room. Subconsciously, your thighs pressed together, trying it out for once was almost enough to send you over the edge. 

Jealous! Kusuo Saiki x Reader Lemon [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now