Oh, you're such a tease...

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//PLEASE READ!! Honestly, I don't really have a good starter for this chapter so it will get straight to the point. If you do not enjoy the act of degradation of any kind, I suggest you stop reading this chapter immediately, This chapter was requested by ilikehotteachers I'll have you know that I've never written anything like this before so I apologize if it's not what you expected.//

//Aight let's do this//

     Panting filled the otherwise quiet room, heat was evident and low murmuring could be heard. Y/N and Kusuo had been caught in a rather heated make out session. His lips trailed her sensitive neck, making her silently moan out in short lived ecstasy, each small kiss sent small trails of pleasure and slight tickles throughout her neck. Her hands ran through his pink hair, tangling in the short locks, feeling his body shift and his kisses trailing lower. First neck, then collarbone, and soon enough, he reached her chest. One of his hands ran down her sides, making her shiver and release a soft giggle, meanwhile, his other hand cupped her breast, lightly squeezing it. Extending his thumb and index finger, he folded them around her nipple, lightly pinching the sensitive bud. Y/N released a surprised gasp, her fist softly bawling up on his head, trapping a handful of his hair between her fingers. His lips soon reached her other breast. 
     His purple eyes switched over to look at her flustered face, a deep cherry color coated her otherwise (pale/tan/dark) skin. How cute, yet, how... slutty. The way she squirmed beneath him, oh dear, he was trying so hard to start off gentle but she made it so hard. In more ways than one, of course. Saiki opened his mouth before latching on to the mound of skin, teeth gently digging around her nipple, his tongue swirling around the bundle of nerves. His gaze was still locked onto her face, admiring each and every one of her lewd expressions. Her mouth remained open, however, her eyes became half-lidded. One of her hands found its way over her mouth in an attempt to suppress her emerging moans. Kusuo wasn't one to impose but he'd rather hear those rather attractive moans. The man was also never one to degrade his partner, however, he was aware of Y/N's dirty secret. She had been wanting for him treat her like that, call her a slut, a whore. It was hard to ignore them, as they emerged every time they had a passionate night. He'd comply to her wishes though, after all, he'd want noting more than make his beautiful wife happy.
     While one of his hands pleasured her breast, meanwhile, the other teasingly dragged down her side. Slowly, it reached her thighs, then it slowly approached her crotch. His finger teasingly ran down her folds, feeling her wetness. Y/N let out a whimper-like moan as her thighs softly closed around his hand. Pulling back from her breast, he started to leave hickeys on her chest area, making sure some were in places she couldn't cover. He'd always do that, it was slightly annoying but it kept the creeps away. Most of the time anyway. "Y/N." Said girl's gaze switched over to him, this earned a satisfied smirk from him, so obedient. "Stop covering your mouth." Hesitantly, Y/N uncovered her mouth, just then, he roughly shoved two fingers into her cunt. The sudden action cased her to release a loud moan and grip the bed sheets and his hair. His fingers started to move in a quick pace, hardly leaving her time to get used to the burst of pleasure his fingers provided. He took this opportunity to catch her lips in a kiss, his tongue intertwining with her own. The hand he had resting on her breast moved up to grip her head, leaning closer to deepen the kiss further.

     Each time he would pull away to let her or himself to catch their breaths, he would just dive right back in for another kiss, enjoying the taste of her lips against his. His fingers never stopped moving though. Pulling back once more, he hesitated for a split second before speaking, "You're such a good slut for me, aren't you~?" He didn't let her answer, however, her walls tightening around his fingers was response enough. Pulling out his fingers, he began taking off the rest of his clothes, she had already been undressed. Y/N let out a soft whimper of protest when feeling her empty insides. Her eyes scanned the pink haired boy's naked body in a haze, eyes clouded lustfully, soft panting could be heard from her. "Ass up, whore." He spoke loud enough for her to hear. The dirty language only made rub her thighs together in anticipation, wondering what would happen if she were to disobey him. She also noticed that he wasn't using his telepathy. An indescribable crossed his face before she was roughly grabbed by her ankle and pulled closer, her legs now resting on his shoulder. The look was now replaced with a taunting smirk, "Just for not listening to me, you'll be my bitch for the rest of the night." A wry smile made it's way to her face, "You say that as if I wasn't already yours~" A sugary sweet tone coated each and every one of her words, a small tint of pink dusted his pale cheeks. 
     He didn't even have a response to that, Kusuo caressed up her body until he reached her neck, gently gripping it. The smirk he had earlier was long gone by now, replaced with his usual neutral face. Before Y/N could ask what was wrong, he had thrusted into her without warning. The sudden intrusion caused her to lean forward, arching her back as a throaty moan escaped her closed lips. Her eyes squeezed shut as her nails dug into the bed sheets. Limping back down onto the bed, she bit her lower lip when she felt him start to quickly move inside of her, the hand on her throat began to softly tighten its hold. Over the years, Kusuo had learned to control his incredible strength. This, obviously made it much easier for Y/N to survive being with him. Though, she'd be lying if she said it didn't kind of turn her on, being in danger that is. Her train of thought was cut short as she felt his cock rubbing against her walls in a blissful rhythm that made her only crave for more. "You're such a needy whore sometimes, you know that?" He whispered into her ear in that seductive tone of his. "hngh~ Only f- for you...~" She managed to stammer out between her soft moans.
     Slowly but surely, Kusuo began to speed up his thrusts, hitting each of her most sensitive spots. He enjoyed how she became a moaning mess beneath him, begging for more each time. Y/N felt her husband's position shift above her and glanced at him with half lidded eyes. He began to gently move her legs and letting go of her throat. Her legs were now wrapped around his waist as he held on to her hips, pulling her in to meet his thrusts. This made Y/N only moan louder as she unconsciously pulled at the bedsheets. "F-fuck..~ Ku-" Said male quickly shut her up with a deep kiss. His tongue brushed against hers before the two intertwined. he tilted his head to the side as he desperately pulled himself closer to the moaning female. His hips moved vigorously, roughly hitting against hers and make loud noises. As the two pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva connected to two. The moment apart didn't last long however. Y/N wrapped her arms around the pink haired male's neck, pulling him close into another kiss.
     One of his hands went up to the back of her head, pulling her in. Y/N moaned against his lips, gently biting his bottom lip as the two pulled back once more. She began to grind her hips against his, making him groan softly. Kusuo let out a heavy breath before leaning down to the girl's neck, getnly nibbling and kissing along the sensitive skin. "God Y/N, you're such a fucking slut.." He muttered into her ear. This earned him a lustful moan from the girl as a response to his comment. With a chuckle, he gripped her thighs. Y/N gasped as he thrusted deeply within her, quickly being pushed to her limit. "K-kusuo, I-" Her comment was cut off by her husband. "Go on. Cum like the whore you are."  He said, with a slightly strained groan. his words were the push she needed. Y/N let out a loud moan and arched her back as she climaxed, her walls clenching around Kusuo's cock, pushing the man himself over the edge. Pulling out, he began to stroke his cock in front of her. Soon enough, his cum shot out, landing on her stomach. Panting loudly, he let his hands fall to his side. The two fell silent before Y/N broke it. "Kusuo, that was amazing..." she muttered. The male simply nodded in agreement, unable to say much more. Suddenly, a smirk crossed his featured as he stopped her from getting up, his hands on either sides of her head. "Where do you think you're going, Y/N? I said you'd be my bitch for the rest of the night, didn't I?"

Ahaha sorry I took so long, I started using my laptop again today lol. I can't promise fast chapters though because I'd just end up breaking another promise lmao. I hope this was good enough to quench your thirst. Be sure to send in requests, with the kink too! if its too embarrassing to post in the comments, let me know through pms. i know I could've done better so give me pointers if you have any! Have a good day/night ya'll//

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