Do you enjoy being cuffed? ❤

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//I'll be doing the special chapter another time, also, I'm not dead lol I was just too lazy and waiting for mor votes on the 'special' chapter. I kept seeing people asking for more Saiki lemons so yah. Also, next time you ask for a chapter, please include the kink ;)//

After your fun night with Kusuo you promised to keep your distance from Aren to which he nodded in approval. Though, as much as you wanted to keep that promise it was hard. Why? Well because Aren kEpT vIsiTinG yoUr HoMe. You shook your head in disapproval as he approached once more.

There was the familiar knock on the door, you just hid behind your couch so that he wouldn't see you from the window. "Y/N? Are you there?" Came his voice from the other side of the door, 'Noooooooo-' you thought sarcastically. "Maybe she's out again. Argh I messed up" you could hear the fruatration in his voice as his footsteps faded away. "I mEssEd uP" you said childishly under your breath, "Yeah no shit Sherlock, tryna take advantage of me because I was sAd" you scoffed. 'To be fair you're the one that went to him not the other way around'

You screeched in surprise as your husband stood behind you, arms crossed. "I thought I could trust him" you breathed a sigh of relief when your brain processed that the man behind you was your husband. 'C'mon, you're not that stupid. You should've seen the signs' Kusuo helped you up from the ground. "I'm a hopeless romantic, you should know this. You're my husband After all." The psychic shook his head, 'You're right. When I met you all you thought about was anime boys and fanfiction of them, it was gross.' "Hey!" You shouted, embarrassed.

The pink haired male chuckled at your expression and softly pat your head, 'You were a fangirl, it's understandable. At least you didn't think about Teruhashi's brother at all' He kept a deadpan expression. "Who?" 'See?' You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled him closer. You pressed your lips against his and felt him almost instantly kiss back. 'I'm gonna go buy some coffee jelly' "Well that was random" you laughed softly. Kusuo gave one of his dAshInG rare smiles 'It was a sudden crave after all' He picked you up and held you up by your thighs. Kusuo leaned closer to your ear, for once using his voice to whisper, "Though I wouldn't mind having you for dessert" He had a flirtatious grin plastered on his face.

You buried your face on the crook of his neck to hide your obvious blush. Kusuo kissed along your shoulder up to your collar bone. You felt him nibble on it making you shiver and whimper at the feeling.

He put you down and kissed your head, 'I'll be back soon' "You better" you say, looking away to which he chuckled. With that he walked out the door.

"Hmmm..." You put on the germanium ring Kusuo kept for all these years and looked through your closet, where Kusuo kept The Toys. You wanted to surprise him. After all, didn't he just say he wouldn't mind having you for dessert~

*Time skip cuz ya'll just want the fucc this is gonna escalate quickly so you better get that holy water*

Kusuo opened the door, realizing that he couldn't hear your thoughts. Maybe you were asleep? Or maybe you went out. He shrugged as he ate one of the coffee jellies he bought. Once done he threw away the plastic container and walked to your shared bedroom. He almost choked at the sight before him. "Welcome back Kusuo~" You grinned and panted, cuffed to the bed. You were wearing very revealing clothing, not to mention the vibrator in your entrance. That's when he saw the ring on your finger, 'I see what you did there' he tried to play it cool but his pants said otherwise. He climbed on the bed and on top of you, he realized the vibrator was in the lowest setting and clicked his tongue.

He smirked and switched it to the highest setting, making you arch your back and moan at the feeling. He could see you pulling on the cuffs, trying desperately to grab onto something. He inserted two fingers into your entrace, amused at how wet you were. 'You're soaking Y/N' you bit your lip "All for you Kusuo" you moaned.

He looked at the closet and walked towards it. Kusuo took out a gag, 'you forgot the gag, love' The psychic walked back to you and put the gag down, 'But first-' He unlocked the cuffs, 'I want you to suck me off' Kusuo internally grinned at your red face as you unbuckled his pants.

You looked at his hard member and slowly started stroking it, then you licked the tip before taking it in your mouth, you stroked the part that didn't fit in your mouth. You heard him grunt from above you. You bobbed you head as you swirled your tongue around his member. Eventually you felt his hands on your hair as he thrusted his hips, making you deepthroat him. You gagged slightly at the unexpected feeling.

You made eye contact with him as he face fucked you. He then pulled out of your mouth, cuffing you to the bed once more and placing the gag on your mouth. He spread your legs wide open, seeing that you weren't wearing any underwear. He took out the vibrator and slid into your entrace, making you moan into the gag. He took no time to start roughly thrusting into you, he held your hips as he moved faster.

You were just a moaning mess under him, and he loved it, it just made him harder. The room was silent, besides you muffled moans, his grunts and the sound of skin slapping skin. Kusuo leaned down and started sucking on one of your nipples. You pulled on the cuffs, desperately wanting to wrap your arms around him.

Kusuo felt himself near his climax as he grabbed your thighs and roughly yet sloppily thrusted as fast as he could. Your husband grunted loudly, his member twitching inside you. You moaned blissfully as you and Kusuo came together. When you were going to pass out you were woken up by Kusuo thrusting once more, 'We're not done here Y/N, you wanted this. Now I'm going to fuck you 'till I'm satisfied'


Aren was walking back to your house, by now your gag was off since Kusuo wanted to hear your moans. Right when Aren was going to knock you moaned extra loudly. He was dumbfounded until you did it again. Once he realized what was happing he ran back to his house to take care of his rising boner.

//Yeet motherfuckers, I have arrived. If I have any spelling errors suck it up bitch ;)
Jk please point them out it's literally 3:49AM bit what's new with me. I've been havibg a lot of trouble sleeping lately lmao. Hope you cumdumpsters enjoyed. See ya//

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