Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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(h/c) = means hair color
(e/c) = means eye color

(Y/n's Pov)

I can't believe we're finally here! It looks so pretty!

As I looked out the window of our carriage, I could see all the stalls and buildings and people

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As I looked out the window of our carriage, I could see all the stalls and buildings and people. It looked so busy but everyone moved to the sides to make way for the carriage. I couldn't wait to get to the palace!

When we finally stopped, I quickly got out to see the palace, carefully grabbing my present for the Pharaoh as well. The palace looked so powerful and protective! I wonder how long it took to make it....

Suddenly a man in what looked to be priest clothing appeared in front of us.

"Hello and welcome to Egypt, Pharaoh Aknamkanon has awaited your presence." the preist looking man said.

"Thank you for your hospitality." My father said.

The man smiled and replied,"Please follow me so you can meet with the Pharaoh, I am Priest Seto."

This is so exciting! Okay, okay, calm down. Remember what mother said, "Keeping a level head and showing respect is the makings of a good Queen", I want to make mother and father proud.

 Remember what mother said, "Keeping a level head and showing respect is the makings of a good Queen", I want to make mother and father proud

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(I couldn't find much on the throne room so this is the best I could do)

(I couldn't find much on the throne room so this is the best I could do)

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(This is what Aknamkanon looks like, sorry if the picture is big😅)

Priest Seto led us to the Pharaoh's throne room. It's so big and pretty! I looked up and saw the Pharaoh, he looked to be a bit older than my father but still as intimidating. I wonder how they became friends? Father was telling me who Aknamkanon was but not how they meet. I was gonna ask another question about him but father seemed to of been lost in thought and I didn't want to interupt is thoughts.

The Pharaoh stood up from his throne and walked towards my father, "It is good to see you again, Hakim." the Pharaoh said to my father as they hugged. "Same to you, Aknamkanon." My father replied.

My father and the Pharaoh stopped hugging, that's when the Pharaoh looked at me and smiled, "You must be (Y/n), your father has writing to me about you. You are just as small as he described you." The Pharaoh chuckled.

"FATHER!" i exclaimed angrily towards my father. How dare he mock my height! I turned away from my father, arms crossed and huffed angrily.

(Hakim's Pov)

"I'm sorry, my dear." I said, I forgot I wrote to Aknamkanon of Y/n AND about her height.

I hope Y/n won't be made at me for long. She is quite stubborn so she may hold a gruge for a while.

Aknamkanon akwardly chuckled, "I shouldn't of said that, should I?" he whispered. "Probably wasn't the best idea..." i replied quietly.

(Y/n's Pov)

I can't believe father! Alright calm down, I suppose I shall forgive father. "You are forgiven, father but only this once." I said still slightly angry.

I heard father sigh of relief. He knows I'm very stubborn so me forgiving was quite rare.

"How old are you Y/n?" The Pharaoh asked me. I replied,"I am 10."

"How marvelous! You're the same age as my son. Atem, come meet Hakim's daughter!" The Pharaoh exclaimed and called for his son. Father never told me his friend had a son.

I looked to my father, "How come you didn't tell me he had a son?" I asked father. "I'm sorry again daughter, I started spacing out when I was going to tell you." Father replied embarrassed he spaced out.

I heard footsteps in front of me, I looked in front of me and saw a boy. The first thing I saw was his hair, It was three different colors which looked rather unique and his skin was beautifully tanned.

Then I looked to his eyes, and it felt like the rest of the world disappeared. His eyes were an alluring violet, and I felt like I could get lost in them forever....

All I know is he was quite enchanting to look at.

(Atem's Pov)

When father called for me I quickly speed walked to him. I looked at him, "This is my son, Atem." Father spoke to the man, who he said was Hakim, an old friend of his.

When I looked forwards I saw the girl next to Hakim. Her skin was nicely tanned from the sun. I looked to her (h/c) hair, it looked well taken care of.

But when I looked at her eyes, I felt like I couldn't breath. Her eyes shone a beautiful (e/c) that glistened in the light, and I felt like I could stare at them for all eternity.

"H-hello." I said nervously, to which I had no idea why.

"I-it's pleasure to meet you as well." She spoke formally, but with a slight stutter. But it made her more lovely in my opinion.

Arranged Fate *Pharaoh Atem x Fem! Reader*Where stories live. Discover now