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Wad sat with his father on the balcony, staring out at the night sky.

"Where is Prem tonight?" his father questioned.

Wad blew out a puff of smoke and watched it curl into the wind. He felt like it was hard to breathe without the senior these days.

"The final SOTUS activity is tonight," Wad replied, "My probation says I am not allowed to take part."

His father hummed.

"When will they be completing the ritual?"

Wad shrugged. "P'Prem said late tonight, around one or two in the morning if they're lucky."

Wad's father nodded and looked back through the glass door at his wife, who had been listening to their conversation. She always did, even when Wad was just a child, she would be able to anticipate what her husband and child needed off of just the bare minimum words they exchanged.

She had already gotten her phone out and was checking the time.

His father turned back to his sun, stamping out his cigarette in the ashtray. He stood up as Wad did the same and dug into his pockets. He tossed a mint to his son and ate one himself.

The two returned to the couch inside when there was a ping on the mother's phone.

"The keys are on the counter," she said to Wad, a small smile on her face, "Take your father's car. Please text me when you get there safely."

Wad blinked, staring at his parents before giving them both a tight hug.

Nothing more needed to be said before he was out the door.


Prem didn't think the word "annoyed" did his present state of mind justice anymore.

The freshmen were cute at first, but now, it was getting close to one in the morning and all Prem wanted to do was curl up in bed and leave tomorrow morning on time.

If everything had been timed correctly, he would have more than enough time to spend with Wad before the younger went to work the next day.

He watched Knott, rubbing his fingertips harshly into his temple. How the man had the amount of tolerance he did to deal with a bunch of whining teenagers on only three hours of sleep, he will never know.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and Prem pulled it out, seeing a notification from Wad's Facebook.

He opened it, hoping it would be something like he was heading to bed after studying so hard, but was confused when all the post was a picture of a bonfire.

But...the bonfire was on a beach. And there was Kongpob standing with his friends in the corner of the frame.

Prem's eyes instantly searched all around until they fell upon the distant headlights of a car in a parking lot above the beach.

He stood up, blinking the exhaustion and annoyance out of his eyes.

The juniors were getting their gears now and he took his chance.

Wad watched Kongpob walk away from the bonfire to talk with Arthit and he nodded as his arms crossed over his chest. He was lucky he got here when he did, even if he was exhausted from the drive it would be worth it.

Just to see it in person was enough.


He turned to see Prem hurdle himself over the wooden fence and walk with determination.

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