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Wad didn't hear the end of it from Kongpob's friends.

They refused to leave him to a miserable, friendless existence even after SOTUS was officially over. A week after SOTUS, they had added him into their group chat, which constantly was going off.

P'Lint had already locked his phone away in the office of the bar because it was going off so much, and P'Korn had issued himself a personal job of reminding Wad to turn his phone on "do not disturb" while he was getting ready to work.

Wad did talk to them, although it was not often in the least, and found himself thinking more about the upcoming exams than he was about having friends.

A month and a half after the end of SOTUS activities, Prem walked into P'Lint's bar and made a beeline for Wad.

The two of them had talked more frequently, and Wad had stayed over often enough to warrant having an extra change of clothes that were kept in a drawer Prem had designated for all of Wad's things. 

Wad finished drying the glass he was holding and placed the damp towel on the rung underneath the bar, placing the glass in front of Prem.

"What can I get you?"

"Your undivided attention for five minutes," Prem replied, "And a whiskey, on the rocks."

Wad nodded and quickly delivered the drink before leaning slightly over the counter to listen better to what Prem had to say.

"We have a problem. The dean is interviewing students at "random" about their working life outside of school," Prem spoke, "A buddy of mine that works in the Administrative building said any student that works more than twenty-eight hours a week after classes is to be put under surveillance and moved to the dorms to live for two weeks to observe their health."

Wad blinked and glanced around the bar, noting none of the patrons seemed to be paying them any particular attention. They were all happy with their drinks, at least for now.

"Why would this be an issue for me?"

"You've been watched by the offices of both Engineering and the university for nearly the whole semester. There is no way that you are not on that list, especially with the number of times you fell asleep in class, were late, and skipped entire days."

Wad swallowed.

"I got my buddy to try and get a look at the list. He said he would get back to me by tonight in a handful of hours," Prem finished, taking a gulp of his whiskey.

Wad stood straight up and stared at the senior for a moment.

What would he do if his name...?

Wad shook his head. There was no way the administrative staff of this massive university would so scrutinize him. They had thousands of other people to cater to, what are the odds he would be in that category?

Prem let Wad continue to work, and watched him with a careful, tender eye the whole time.

They hadn't kissed or anything like that since the night of the bonfire, not to Prem not wanting to. He had never been in this position before, especially with someone like Wad, and every time that he got close, he shut down.

Wad's cologne, though nothing special, was enough to make Prem's thoughts wander from anything. The softness of his hair, the lightness of his breath. Even when Wad laid his head on Prem's shoulder or chest after coming to Prem's apartment at five in the morning after work for a three-hour rest before his morning class drove Prem crazy.

He was always distracted when it came to Wad.

His phone pinged, and his stomach turned uncomfortably.

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