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Prem admitted to the fact he was worried.

He was incredibly worried about Wad.

Kongpob, after having come to take over his job of taking care of a sick Arthit (which was not enjoyable for Prem in the least), had taken the liberty of asking if he'd seen Wad.

Prem, having not thought about Wad too much lately since he had gotten Wad back to his home on paid work leave, said no.

"He was looking for you the other day. He seemed...angrier than usual, if that makes sense," Kongpob had explained, and that made Prem rather excited to see the junior again.

Another argument?

Who wouldn't want to bicker with the person whose company they enjoyed the most?

But when Prem had taken Wad to the trainer, there was a completely different thought racing through his head.

He was blinded with hatred when he left Wad with the trainer.

He wanted to beat those guys into their graves. He never wanted Wad to be in that kind of pain ever again, he was too...

Too what?

What was he thinking?

Wad? Precious?

No way.

Prem sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the wall.

Who was he kidding? Wad was precious to him.

"Jesus, Prem!"

Prem looked up to see Knott running over to him. "Owh, hey Knott."

"You look like you got hit by a train. What the hell happened?" Knott questioned.

Prem sighed and looked up at the darkening sky. He could feel the softness of Wad's hair against his calloused hands now, the smell of the younger's shampoo.

"Oh my god, is this your blood?!" Knott questioned, making Prem look at Knott and stare at the dark stain on his red jacket. Knott had rubbed his thumb against it and pulled it away to reveal dried blood.

"It's Wad's."

"Wad's? You didn't go fight him, did you?" Knott questioned, "Even you wouldn't be so stupid."

"No," Prem replied, a certain sharpness to his voice, "I would never."

Knott looked surprised and Prem blinked before he realized what he said.

"I mean," Prem coughed, "I would never draw blood. Maybe a few punches here and there, a couple of bruises, but not hard enough to make him bleed."

Knott didn't look completely convinced but nodded regardless.

"Sure..." he muttered before clearing his throat and looking at Prem, "So what did happen?"

Prem shook his head, "Someone was beating him up as I was passing. I couldn't let someone beat him up, no matter how much he hates me."

Knott nodded.

"How is he doing now?"

Prem shrugged. "I left him with the trainer. One of them kicked him in the ankle he sprained at the basketball game last month. I was worried."

Knott bit back a smile. "Come on, I'll go take care of your wounds."

"What? No, that's okay."

"Nope, come on, you big baby."



Wad sat in class, half-listening to what the professor was saying. Today would be his first day of work in a month since both employers had been told Wad had gotten in a fight. Since he was involved in talking with the guests at the restaurants, they didn't want him to serve guests with a bloody and bruised face. 

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