Chapter 1

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the first time Lesley stepped on her new school being a skillful assassin she is. she already know someone was watching her from afar, scanning the area she could tell her new school give a different vibe, Lesley frowned when she saw a group of girls around the hallway on the left and there's no sign of a boy hanging out with them.

"strange." she muttered and decided to went battlefield as the Superior told her earlier.

when she arrived at the place, she was not alone. there are bunch of people that gathered around.

the Superior landed her sight on Lesley as she walk towards the crowd, she can feel their stares but she remain expressionless.

"Miss Vance, don't be late next time i don't tolerate lazy act so better come here early.." the Superior said firmly.

Lesley just nodded her head before the Superior teleport in front of them, it wasn't surprising to her she witness a lot of people have different kinds of abilities.

"pleasant morning everyone, i know some of you know the rules but as for new comers i will state it again, the rules is simple play or die. we prepare activities that you should accomplish before the given time, don't bother to seek for help or call someone to fetch you the moment you stepped inside the Academy there's no turning back.. the Academy you chose is different from your past school, we train the students to become stronger and mastered their forte." the Superior grinned when she look at them some of them gasped and eyes widened in shivers.

"I'm amaze this school year is not like the last school year... okay. I'll give you 30 seconds to find a group, the group should consist of 4 members the themed for this year is girls vs boys. so i expected everyone of you will participate or the members of the group will disqualify and death room awaits you we don't accept a scaredy cat students to be part of this academy so better make your selves useful, the timer starts... now!"

once the timer starts, the students hurriedly find a group, Lesley could tell some of the students are looking for a group have abilities.

she started to look around to find a group but she then heard someone call her name, turning her head she saw a girl in ponytail wave her hands as if she signals her to come.

without hesitation she walk towards the group of girls.

"if you're looking for a group, you can join with us we need one member since i met you before and saw your skills, you can be part of us." her smile is genuine there's no sign of playful.

Lesley sighed, "there's only 10 seconds left, I'm in."

the blonde hair girl smile slightly and nodded.

this girl is familiar but when did i met her before? she though.

one of the member squealed and to her surprise she hugged her.

"don't bring your habit of hugging someone here Kagura, others might take advantage of you." the girl in ponytail grabbed Kagura's wrist looking around before the timer ring.

"times up, everyone you did a great job but there's no time to celebrate because the first activity will begin right now, I'll call your opponent stand each circles in front of you.."

the Superior looked at the papers on her hand and starts to call a group of boys and girls.

"i just hope our opponent is not that good." she heard the blonde muttered.

it doesn't really matter to Lesley if they're a good on competition but one thing is for sure, she don't want to lose.

"the group of Hanabi step on the circle, your opponent is the group of Hanzo step as well on the circle in front of your opponent, next is the group of..."

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