Chapter. 11 A promise to the dead

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It has been days since the last encounter with the professional assasin's and my surgery to take out the bullet out of my leg. Since then everything seems to get back to normal.

I was now looking at my reflection in the mirror fixing my hair before iI bent down to wrap with a clean gauze my bullet wound. It's all healed but the doctor wants me to cover it up after he took out the stitches. 

I looked up on my wall clock and saw I still had 30 minutes to go out. I sighed and finally decided to go to the kitchen and have breakfast.

Whilst I was heading out of the room I my phone ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Scott. 

I hesitated but I answered it right away. 


''Oh Hi uhm. Are you still at home?'' I heard Scott mumble on the other part of the line.

'Yeah why?'' I frowned as I continued my journey to the kitchen and ventured myself through the cupboards looking for something to eat. 

''Can I come there? We can go to school together.'' He said as I heard his keys shuffling.

I leaned my phone on my shoulder to keep my hands free to take a box of cereal and shove some fruit loops on my mouth. ''Yeah sure why not.'' I responded as I received a chuckle from Scott. 

''I'll be there in a minute.'' He said as he hung up. 

I accommodated myself on the chair when I heard a loud yawn coming near the kitchen door. I looked up and saw Uncle Chris in his old red flannel and pyjama pants as he smiled at me and made himself a coffee. 

''Good morning'' I mumbled as I was playing with my phone. Uncle Chris took a seat opposite to where I was as he took a sip from his white mug. ''Morning. I see you are going to school today. Are you sure you can do it?'' He asked as he took the newspaper from the table opening it.

''Yeah I'm pretty sure. Plus I'm getting bored here in the house. I need some fresh air.'' I said taking spoon full of the cereal finishing my bowl and got up to put the dishes away. I leaned on the counter and took a sip from my water. ''Well get my SUV car keys. or now you will be using that. You can't ride your bike after your surgery or else your doctor will brag about it.'' He said still not taking out of his gaze on to the newspaper. 

I was about to respond when I heard a bell from the door. Uncle Chris carefully took down the newspaper and looked at me ''Are you expecting someone?'' He asked closing the newspaper and getting up. I rushed over the door and yelled ''It's okay I got it'' 

Once I opened the door I saw Scott standing in front of me a smile plastered on his face. I took a step back and he came in fixing his jacket whilst walking towards the kitchen. ''Oh Goodmorning Argent.'' I heard Scott greet. I followed him and saw Uncle Chris offering a seat for Scott. 

''It's nice to see you, Scott. How come you are here?'' Chris asked ''I came here to take Aria to school.'' Scott slightly gulped. I held back a chuckle as I saw Scott get nervous. 

''I see. I'll go and get back to the bedroom. Have a good day both of you.'' Uncle Chris chuckled as he went straight out of the kitchen. 

I took seat where I was and awkwardly waited in silence. ''So...'' Scott started off. I rolled my eyes ''How come this unexpected visit?'' I asked trying to relieve the tense between us. 

''I wanted to to talk about us..'' Scott said as he looked down to his feet. 

It was the first time that we talked alone since from the warehouse. Well he came to the hospital after the surgery but we still hadn't talk about what is happening between us. ''Kira.. went back to her mom. She needed to be beside her.'' Scott continued as I hummed in response. ''You want something to drink maybe eat?'' I asked as he looked at me with a visible frown on his face. 

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