Chapter 04. De-Void

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Once he looked at me, I felt anger rising up on my face. An anger that I could nearly rip someone's head off. I noticed that the sheriff went near to him with handcuffs. ''Sheriff.. Don't..'' I said but got cut off ''It's ok Aria..'' ''You want to handcuff me?'' Stiles asked with a weak tone, a tone that make him seem innocent and victim of all of these drama. 

''If my son is still here..If there's still a part of him standing in front of me, he would put this on and come out with me... because he knows..I'm here to protect him from himself and others.'' The sheriff slowly walked near him as for Stiles, he offered his hands to be handcuffed, but while he was getting tied up he looked at me in the eyes and mouthed me ''I know what you are, Aria'' with a grin in his face. I thought he will give up that easily but I should've known that look into his eyes; when suddenly he looked up with a threatening look between us and the sheriff. ''Sheriff get away from him..'' I said as I quickly bent down and took a dagger from my boots ''You're not my son..'' The sheriff exclaimed as Stiles broke the handcuffs. I went next to the sheriff as the other came in.

Allison had the gun laser pointed to Stiles and suddenly fired it but the Nogitsune was strong enough to protect himself as he took the wires and throw it to a wall. I got ready with my dagger to fight him but Derek placed a hand on my shoulder backing me off and growls at the Nogitsune. He charges at him but got caught off guard causing hm to groan in pain and be thrown away. That was it My dad and Chris had enough and decided to pill out the gun. ''Argent, Jonathan listen to me..Don't do this'' The sheriff, fearly stopped them from shooting Stiles ''Why not? I've done it before. Werewolf Berzerkers, I could easily a Nogitsune on the list'' My dad threaten looking at Stiles. The Sheriff pulled out his gun to pointing it to my father and Chris. ''No'' I said while I took my dagger and point it at the Nogitsune ''You're not gonna shoot my soon'' The sheriff stated ''You said it too Sheriff.. That's not your son'' Chris took a quick glance at me and looked at Stiles ''Put it down'' The sheriff looked at me and pointed the gun to me. Derek made out a low growl while my dad looked at me with a challenging eyes. ''Put it down Aria!'' ''Dad, She wants to kill me, They're gonna kill me Dad!'' Stiles nearly cried but I'm not buying any of his acting. ''Don't listen to him'' Chris said determined. ''Put it down NOW! DO IT! PUT IT DOWN!'' The sheriff yelled in frustration that made my dad and Chris put down the gun, but I wasn't listening. I kept my dagger on Stiles until he faced me ''Come on kill me.'' he said accepting the challenge. I was hearing the yell but I felt like the anger was taking over me. ''Go on Aria. Put that dagger into my chest.'' Stiles stated. I was about to do it when My dad suddenly yelled. ''ARIA PUT IT DOWN!'' ''GO ON! GO ON!'' The yelling was getting prett intense when suddenly the sun setted ''Stop it! Stop this is  what he wants! this is exactly what he wants!'' Allison stopped us from the chaos. 

''Not exactly, I kind of hoped Scot would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out.'' He looked at me and turn his way to the window ''Cause if you are not here to kill me..'' That's when the Oni came through the window, as there shadow filled the floor and they appeared ''You're here to protect me..'' He finally said backing off between my dad and the sheriff. 

I swirl my dagger and went next to Allison and Derek. I tried to plunge it on a Oni but it got thrown away by the Katana and cutting some of my flesh but I didn'nt care. I looked at him as he took my face and looked at me in the eye. I saw his eyes glowing and suddenly felt cold through my body. My body went limp and i collapsed on the floor. I kept my eyes open and saw that they suddenly disappeared. Everyone came after me and my dad took me into his arms ''Aria can you hear me?'' My dad asked as he run his hands through my hair and looked behind my ears. ''She got the sign'' My dad mumbled looking at the others. What sign? ''Wait? why? The only ones who got the signs are the ones who are supernatural like me'' I think that was Derek, whom is next to me. I looked at my dad and saw he was frowning.

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