Chapter 02. Echo House

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''Aria, remember to be careful when you hande the dagger. Now you don't want to hit the monter in the stomach because it can take you down; plunge it on his chest, instead.'' As my grandfather teaches me how to take the dagger and use it. We are in the woods with my Father, brother, my cousin Daniel and my aunt Jenna. It's not the first time I trained with them but I still feel really uncomfortable since I'm still 10 years old. My dad was not happy about this but my grandfather said that I was on the right age to teach me about everything, everyt single thing that the Phoenix Clan knows from ancient times.

 It was just a game that I played along with my cousins, just like tag and hide&seek but apparently it was something serious. 

Everything is true. The tales about werewolves, hunters and other supernatural things. ''How do you know that the monster is dead?'' I ask as i take the dagger from my boots. It was uncomfrotable but my brother says i will get use to it. ''When his the color of his eyes will fade away. Just like when you turn off the light. That easy, Aria; just one move to its heart and you can save yourself from dying. Remember, straight to the heart.'' My grandfather said as he plays my dagger in my hand in the right way. I take a deep breath and then suddenly my brother tackles me and I start to fight him. We were in the middle of the fight when I suddenly heard a buzz in my right ear and felt myself drawn in trance. Everything happened soo fast. Last thing I know is my dad carrying my away waking me up from my trance and then there it was. My grandfather being murdered brutally. Now I was in the car safe far from that chaos with my brother. My father and my aunt were fighting the monster, No it's a werewolf ,an alpha

The werewolf was trying to get to my father so I decided to get out after all the shouts my brother was giving me. ''ARIA! DON'T! GET IN HERE!'' But I gnored him. I take my dagger and did the few things my grandfather taught me. I tried to plung eit on the werewolf but strangley the alpha took me like a doll throwing me away sending to a tree. ''ARIA!'' My father screamed then other two werewolf held him and my aunt ''Hello, sweet, Innocent Aria'' The alpha was now coming near me. ''NO DON'T TOUCH HER!'' my dad desperatly screamed ''Don't worry im just gonna give her a little gift. Well Aria, you know you are special. But you don't know it yet until now.'' The Alpha caressed my cheeks and...


I woke up gasping for air letting out a slight scream that hopefully no one heard. It was a dream. Everything was a dream but what happened to my grandfather is real. He died becasue of an unknown alpha. I shrug it off and look at the clock. It was 6 am and i have plenty time to prepare myself for school. I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. My hair was sticking out and I was all sweaty and stinky. I should probably go for a shower. I took my clothes off and hoped into the shower opening the faucet.

The warm water was soothing my skin as a rub my head because of the headache. I was doing my routine when i started hearing a buzz in my ears. I looked around. Ha silly me im just me here in the bathroom. I made my way out the bathroom and did the rest of my routine.


I ran down to the stair taking a banana and my keys from the kitchen counter and sped off to the garage. ''Aria'' My dad while hanging up the phone and putting it on his pocket. We still hadn't talked about what happend on the vet clinic and I knopw he don't want me to bring it up. ''Your brother is already in the school. The doctor said he healed fast so they let him out of the hospital. Your mom went back to Savannah because the rest of the Family are still coming so you better be home and not late because we will have a family dinner ok? Now go to school. I better go now, I'm going to visit Chris'' My dad say as he hopped into his truck. ''why? is he still in the prison?'' I ask curiously ''Yes. after the explosion, Agent McCall is not gonna free them until he hasn't cleared up about the weapon issue'' He said ending the conversation and went out the garage.

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