chapter 10

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I stood in the corner holding the empty tray against my chest. I had to wear a maid outfit since I was now a servant of the phantomhive house hold but I didn't mind to much cause all I had to do was assist the guest.

I was suppose to be passing out wine but I ran out a while ago and I didn't know where to get some more so I just quietly stood where no one noticed me

I felt someone tap my shoulder so I quickly turned around looking up to see bard. "What are you doing?..." He asked looking questioningly at the tray I held, I grinned sheepishly, then looked down "well I was passing out drinks..."

He chuckled quietly then took the tray "I'll do this for you, since this is your first ball why don't you go dance?" He said. Before I could reject him he walked away leaving me with nothing to do.

I looked around seeing ciel and lady Elizabeth dancing, and sighed walking towards the steps so I could go to my room unnoticed. Once I thought I was free I felt someone grab my hand pulling me towards them.

It was a blonde boy with a creepy grin and bright blue eyes. He placed his hands on my waist guiding me through the dance "I'm alois trancy, what's your name beautiful?~"

I paid no attention to him looking down at my feet trying to keep from falling on my face "mika, nice to meet you tranny. I mean trancy!" I blushed hard realizing what I had called him, hoping he didn't notice.

I glanced up at him seeing the annoyance in his face, then looked away to see Sarah and Sebastian dancing...they actually looked pretty cute together
After dancing with trancy I danced with many other strangers, realizing most of them was perverts and nearly fell on my face almost five times. Once the dance was over i went to the kitchen to steal a snack.

I walked in just barely making it around the corner before I heard Sebastian, I peeked in seeing him kneeling down and ciel had his eye patch off. Sebastian's eyes glowed a fushia color.

"Yes my lord" simply stated the demon.

I quickly turned around and took off running hoping they hadn't of saw me. A demon? was I going to compete with that...I had to up my game but it was a challenge I was willing to take. I never backed down from a challenge.

I ran upstairs to my room and took the dress off slipping on a huge shirt, then I grabbed muse and layed down. Not even a minute later Zack came in and kissed my forehead wishing me a good night. I smiled and told him I loved him then he left.

I closed my eyes slightly frowning, then sat up looking around the dark room. This was the first time I noticed the silence, the first time it had come to mind since I'd been here.

"Who's there?" I asked narrowing my eyes trying to see in the darkness. I heard the rustle of clothing and saw a figure walk from the shadows, then I saw the fushia eyes. "Sebastian..."

"You saw something you wasn't suppose to mika" stated the butler continuing slowly towards my bed.

"And? What now. Are you worried that a little girl like me would get scared and go running and telling? Oh no of course not... I'm gonna use this to my advantage, I wanna play this game." I said smirking.

He looked at me alittle but of surprise clouding his eyes then nodded. "I must warn you though. My master never loses, kitten~"

I froze a little shocked, no one but her majesty called me kitten... Could he have found out?...yes he could have, he is a demon after all. I sighed then brushed my hair behind my shoulder.

"Could you not call me that? You'll were it out." I mumbled yawning. He nodded then swiftly but quickly crawled onto my bed pinning me back onto it.

"I know who you are but no one Better figure out who I am or else master will be very upset with you, trust me lovely you don't want that." He whispered  closely in my ear then swiftly jumped back disappearing.

I sighed hard then turned on my side pulling the blanket up closing my eyes. I don't care if ciel never loses...this shall be fun then cause I don't either.
(Ciels POV)
I looked down at Sebastian as he buttoned my night shirt. "Kitten? That's quite an odd name" I said.

Sebastian nodded then stood up "yes the queen called her kitten as a pet name...treated her as a daughter perhaps...but mika didn't faze when I called her it, maybe it doesn't bother her."

I looked at him then smirked "I don't care whether it bothers her or not, I'm gonna call her kitten now, my first cat that I'm not allergic to" I laid down excited about this, kitten made her sound cute.

"Good night my lord" Sebastian purred in a soft voice before turning out the lights.

A/n: yes this is really late. Yes I care. Can I do anything about it? Maybe. How about I make an easter special!~ and do the fifty other things that could make this story better XD okay so how about if you actually bothered to read this you prove it by telling me your favorite black butler character? Yay okay so I'm gonna get writing and I love you guys!~

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