Sorting Out What They Know

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They regrouped by the bus, discussing their gains and losses.

Mostly their losses.

Despite having beaten Zanark, as they were not an official team from El Dorado, their timeline was still in danger. Fei stated that if they had enough power to beat El Dorado, they may have to go to the future themselves and take them on there.

Meanwhile, Sakamoto went to confront General Lord Tokugawa Yoshinobu about their deal. He agreed to it, though he didn't seem all that reluctant, almost as if imperial restoration is precisely what he wanted. Though of course, no matter how confusing it is, it was a good thing. This event would lead to the Japan they know.

With that confirmed, Tsurugi turned to find the swordsman that helped him, smiling at them. With a smile of his own, he approached him.

"I'm grateful. Your power enables us to fight and protect what's important to us." He bowed in respect.

"So even my power can be useful..." The swordsman said. "No, I should be the one giving thanks."


"I already knew that the Bakufu had decayed greatly beyond repair. And yet, I still tried to protect that Bakufu. Maybe I was panicking over leaving behind evidence that I had existed. But now I know that there is something more important than that."

"More important?"

The wind blew around them, scattering the bright autumn leaves. His smile seemed to widen at them.

"That I am alive. That I feel for myself that I am alive." He turned back to him. "Thanks to you, I could feel life within me. It's a feeling I had long forgotten."


He nodded at him before continuing to ask, "How is your friend?"

Tsurugi felt the corner of his lips tugging upwards. "She's alright, thankfully. She's already resting inside our ride."

"That's good." He chuckled. "With how much she cried in that soccer match, and how hard you were fighting for her sake, I can tell you both mean quite a lot to each other. Irreplaceable, even."

"That's... Yes." He looked down, a little embarrassed. "We've been friends for a very long time now."

"I see. Then, I hope you two will continue to stay by each other's side."

"Thank you."

After saying their parting words, they headed back to their present.



She shook her head. "Sorry. I barely have the energy to stand, let alone walk..."

"I was afraid of that." He crossed his arms. "I don't think I can carry you back either."

"Oh yeah, I still have to slap you for that."

"I'll slice your arm off."

"Haha, with what? You're too tired to call out Lancelot."

"You two..." Kariya sighed, not knowing what more to say.

They had arrived below the bridge that led to the soccer building, but Kimiko's legs had given in before she could reach even half way up the steps. They had been there for about ten minutes, but she was still too weak to get up. Tsurugi was able to stand and walk, but the exhaustion was clear on his face. No one could blame him since he took on quite a beating in the previous match.

Or at least, none of the team did.

Kimiko was still rather bitter about him not listening to her about it.

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