Lost in a Supernova I

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"They did not just end it like that!"

"They did. They fucking did!"

The overall story was sad, but Matatagi and Mizukawa were both rolling on the ground at Katora's ending words. So much so that they didn't even seem bothered by the fact that they had all somehow returned to the front of the large door on the top-most island.

"Imagine being slandered by the princess you died protecting!"

"I don't know who the fuck they are, but damn, I take back what I said earlier. I want more of this."

"I know who the fuck one of them is, and if you met her face-to-face, I doubt you'd expect that from her."

"That just makes it even funnier!"

"I know!"

The rest of the team had sweatdrops or wry smiles as they watched the two bond over what should've been seen as a tragedy. Shindou had a look that said he wanted to scold them, but decided to save his breath instead, knowing full-well that they wouldn't listen.

"Where did Pixie go?" Just as Aoi asked, the purple pixie appeared in front of them.

Kimiko's first instinct is to reach for her gun, but then remembered that she used it to destroy the satellite. Her next option was to summon an energy ball, only to recall that it didn't work the last time she threw it at him. So she was stuck with just being able to fume and nothing more.

Tsurugi, who was the only one to see her entire reaction, placed a hand on her shoulder before addressing the creature. "Are you here to show us a story like the other Pixie did?"

"Piku!" Just like the other one, it floated towards the first disc.

"Do we really have to go through all of that again?" Sakura asked.

"I'm down if it means more comedy." Mizukawa piped in with a rather unsettling grin.

"And action!" Matatagi and her high-fived as they raced down the steps.

Reluctantly, the rest followed. The creature was waiting patiently for them all to gather.

"So what do you have for us?" Not even two seconds had passed after the navy haired boy asked, and there was already a bright light surrounding them.


A familiar purple throne room appeared, a man with blue-gray hair sitting on top of it. Nobles, aides, and soldiers alike were bowing before him.

"King Ireid. Congratulations on your journey to seizing control of the planet." A noblewoman said, smiling almost cruelly. "The reason Faram remains number one in the galaxy is because of the most powerful king of all time. Only because of you, King Ireid."

"Mm. You all have worked hard as well. In the next battle too, show me your loyalty."

"Of course, your highness."

As the noblewoman stepped down, a boy took her place, kneeling before the king.

"Father! For the next battle, please allow me to fight alongside you!"

"Acrous..." The king considered his son's words carefully before nodding. "Very well. You are already 15, a legislative adult. As Faram Orbius' next king in line, do not dare embarrass yourself in battle."


The scene fades from the throne room to deep space, where dozens of fleets were attacking one another. It closed in on the largest one, where three people stood on its observation deck. The king, the prince, and an aide.

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