Chapter Five.

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Charlotte was really enjoying the evening. Her two companions were actually fun, not as uptight as she had thought. Sidney even seemed to be more relaxed, it might be the effects of the wine. He smiled more and was interested in talking to her. She wondered what his story was, did he have someone back home in London. With his looks and status he must have women fighting to be with him.

She was glad that she had company for the evening as she was dreading being there alone. The fact that she had been seated with the duo was fortuitous. Perhaps it was destiny that they had met. Not that she believed in any of that nonsense of course, she was a logical person. Maybe the week at the festival would be better than she thought. She could tag along with Bingley and D'arcy if they didn't mind. Hopefully they would be there for more than one day. She usually relished solitude but she felt particularly vulnerable at the moment. Don't start crying Charlotte it is only the alcohol making you emotional. Pull yourself together.
She inhaled deeply and turned to listen to the band.

Sidney tried to concentrate on the music but his eyes drifted towards Charlotte. She looked almost sad, perhaps I should not have been so nasty to her. Why did I think that she was a maid? If she was so what am I  a snob now? I can be so stupid sometimes not thinking before I speak. She probably thinks that I am a typical London city boy full of my own importance. Opinionated and arrogant. Why can I not be more like Babbington who always manages to be charming? No wonder he is the face of the company and I am the silent partner. I am definitely a D'arcy she was so right when she said that. My opinion once lost is lost forever should be tattooed on my forehead.

He saw that Charlotte looked close to tears. Oh no I hope that she won't cry, I hate to see a woman crying. I should say something. What should I say, think before you speak Sidney? Don't make her cry and make a scene. Okay go on Sidney do something. Sidney tapped Charlotte on her shoulder to attract her attention. "Charlotte are you okay? Do you feel unwell. You look a bit pale. Do you need some air?
Charlotte turned around and looked at Sidney. Oh oh I am in trouble now. Ear bashing here we go. Brace yourself Sidney. "Thank you I am fine. Could you get me a tea please. I feel a bit tired that is all. My flight was at stupid o'clock and I didn't sleep well the night before. I might go out for a bit of fresh air after I drink my tea. Wow how fun am I.  I bet that you are glad that you sat with me, Miss Partytime. I am not normally like this, I do enjoy a party. "

Babbington smiled at Charlotte and said "don't worry about that, as long as you aren't upset by Mr. Sensitive that is all that matters. Really he should consider a career in diplomacy. He would be well suited to it don't you think Sidney?" Sidney reached to give Babbington a punch in the arm. "Babbington you are quite the comedian. Would you like me to demonstrate some of my Kung Fu moves on you? I knew that course would be useful some time. Mr Sensitive indeed that's me. We can't all be Babbington the teddy bear can we Charles? Some of us need to be more tiger than bear. Sorry Charlotte I will ask the waitress for a tea.

Sometimes us couples need to bicker. We love each other really. Come here Charles for a kiss." He moved towards Charles with puckered lips. He grabbed him by the face and kissed him on the cheek. Babbington pushed him away. "Now Sidney dear not here in front of this lovely lady. How uncouth, you know that I detest PDAs. Try to control your desire for me"

Charlotte looked agape at them and burst out laughing. "You two are mad but whatever you are into is fine by me. Do get a room though you are making quite the scene. You both have no need to be at this festival as you have found your match. How lovely that you have found each other. It is so sweet, thanks for cheering me up with your banter. "
Sidney saw a waitress and ordered a tea for Charlotte.

"Um Charlotte, Babbington and I aren't a couple. We are straight and Charles would definitely not be my type. Please I have some taste. No offence Babbington but you are just too nice for me. A bear and a tiger surely a dangerous combination. We just enjoy winding each other up. The part about Kung Fu is true though so beware anyone who tries to bother me. Are you scared Babbington? "
"Charlotte take no notice of D'arcy. We aren't a couple, I would definitely be out of his league. I am glad to see that our bickering has cheered you up. We are nothing if not funny. Two fools Dumb and Dumber. Seriously though are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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