Chapter 24- Captured

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I opened my eyes with a start and sat up on whatever-it-was suddenly. I realised that I was back in my cabin, a room with light and dark shades of green coloured wallpaper and the walls covered with pictures of beauty of nature. Like every other cabin, I also had a table beside my bed where the bullets I died because of which were kept. When I was new here… the fact that I died because of Roselle used to hurt me a lot, even if I never let Roselle know about it. The sight of the bullets and those scars on my body used to make me feel miserable but gradually, with time I overcame them and now I almost don’t feel anything when I see them. Anyways, I was feeling a bit dizzy. What had happened? Oh yeah… now it all came flooding back to me. I died during the battle. As soon as I realised that I stood up and decided to visit Karina’s cabin to ask who won the battle afterall.

I was feeling like I would collapse but thankfully, I was able to walk at least. Maybe this was the side effect of dying in a battle in here? It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.. But still, I wouldn’t want to die again just because it was fine. Anyways, back to the topic. I went out of the room and walked towards Karina’s which wasn’t far, it was like walk of five minutes or so.

I reached the front door and knocked on it. I waited for sometime but no one replied.

“Karina? Are you there? Come out.” I spoke but she didn’t reply. I frowned and turned in order to leave. But that was exactly when I heard some muffled voices from inside that room. I turned and hesitated a bit but finally decided to open the door myself.

I grabbed the handle and turned it, although I didn’t expect it to open at all but surprisingly, the door was open. I slowly opened it and stepped inside. My eyes widened as I saw Karina half-sitting and half-lying on the bed. Her hands bound at the back through rope and her legs also tied together, with a cloth in her mouth. She was trying to say something but her voice was muffled by the cloth in her mouth. I rushed to her side, totally horrified.

“My Gods… what in the world happened….?” I trailed off as I went near her and began asking her questions.

“Who did this to you? What happened while I was dead? Why would anyone do anything like this to you? Why—” I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I realised that she can’t speak with that cloth on. So I pulled it out of her mouth and as soon as I did she began shouting.


I was taken aback. Why was she calling me that? I didn’t even do anything.

“Why are you calling me these things?” I asked, totally surprised.

“NOT YOU, YOU IDIOT! I AM CALLING THEM—JAMES, CAREFUL! BEHIND YOU!!” She shouted pointing somewhere behind me with her chin. I frowned and looked behind me but before I could see anyone’s face someone swung a baseball bat and hit me on my head. My eyes swarmed and my vision darkened and I fainted falling on the floor as I could hear Karina’s voice getting distant and distant…

Someone sprinkled hot water on my face (mind you, it was hot enough to almost burn my skin), I gasped and opened my eyes suddenly. The room was totally dark and I couldn’t see anything, and did I mention I hate being in dark places? The darkness around me was giving me a headache (or probably it was because some idiot person banged a baseball bat against my head). My hands were bound behind my back and my feet were tied together too, a cloth was kept in my mouth and I was sweating badly… why didn’t they have an AC here?!

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