I've been clearing my phone and rearranging my life
analyzing the way I spend my time
because that's what you do when your phone tells you your running out of space
what do you do when life tells you, your running out of time
keep pushing, work harder, distract yourself
what are you thinking about
I've been wondering about the times before I was alive
before my sense of passing exist
prior to my consciousness
when Kennedy said he had a rendezvous with death
it reminds me of a time when I was a mere child
dreaming of death
and fantasizing depression
that was the only way to make it through
quoting the dead
feeling the drama in the triumph of Shakespeare
because in tragedies, everyone dies and we don't bat an eyelash
how long after he released those words did he die
how long did the rendezvous last
was it fun?
was it the kind of rendezvous you feel when writing or reading a story
with a fucked up main character
is it the rendezvous that you fall in love with
over and over
like an addict
understanding that love doesn't exist and it is really bad
but you just can't help yourself
mine is death, I am spinning the grim into a beautiful love story
reaper when I meet you...
I'm gonna need a whole night
because the pleasure is all mine.