Chapter Thirty-Four: One Good Reason

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This day was like one train crash after another.

“What are you doing here?” she hissed, trying to untangle her legs from the covers. She failed miserably and lost her balance, falling gracelessly to the ground and landing spread-eagled on the ground.

Kai rolled his eyes carelessly and offered her a hand, “Whatever happened to ‘hello’?”

“Whatever happened to life being normal?” she retorted, ignoring Kai’s hand and pulling herself out of the covers. She glared at him, “What are you doing here?”

“Saving you. You’re welcome.” he smirked.

Saving me.” she repeated dubiously. “What, like a hero from a storybook?”

He snorted. “I wouldn’t go that far. Damsels in distress are boring.”

“But I ran from you.” she tried to understand. “Why would you want to save me after that?”

“No time to explain.” he looked away, grabbing her hand. “C’mon, we’ve got to go before Donovan and Lockwood get back.”

“What? No!” she tried to wrench her hand free. “I never said I was going to go with you!”

“No, you didn’t.” he agreed cheerily, still dragging her along.

“You’re an ass.” she growled, clawing at his fingers. God, he had a strong grip. “I have stuff to do here! If I go with you…” she faltered.

“You’ll disappoint your brother dearest?” he smirked as she blanched, then went white. Shock made her stop struggling, and Kai managed to force her out of the room and into a long, dark corridor.

“How do you know about that?” she asked coldly.

“I was in the records for quite some time, trying to find this address. Trying to find out more about our enemy was too good to pass up; I read all about Matt Donovan, and his mother.” he looked at her from the corner of his eyes. “How’re you holding up?”

“Better than Matt.” she answered automatically, before realising what an odd and considerate question that was coming from Kai’s mouth.

“Come on.” he said, before she could say anything. He pulled her down the stairs harshly.

“Kai!” she started to struggle again. “I can’t go with you, I need to stay here!”

“Ugh, why are you so dull?” he groaned, coming to a stop but keeping a hold on her hand. He turned to face her abruptly, eyes blazing. He was too close for comfort but Meg was resolute that she wouldn’t budge… well, not too much anyway.

“I need to stay here.” she repeated stubbornly.

“And why is that? If you can think of one good reason, I won’t drag you kicking and screaming out of here.” his eyes darkened. “But you’d better think fast. Because, if Lockwood or Donovan get back before you answer or give in, well… We can’t have any witnesses to this breaking and entering, can we?”

She shuddered. “Why should I make any deals with you?”

“Because, you’re not stupid. You know it’s your best – no, only ­– chance of not coming with me.” he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and she broke. She took a step back, something like electricity tingling near her ear, and Kai broke into a triumphant grin.

“Fine.” she said with as much dignity as possible. “I can’t leave because I have a brother.”

He bit back a laugh. “You need to stay for a brother you’ve only known about three hours? Ha, nice try.”

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