Chapter Thirty-Five: Kill Him

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Meg sat on the pine needle strewn ground and wrapped her limbs into a tight knot, biting her lip so hard it bled. She was in a graveyard, the sun shining down upon dilapidated stones and crypts, and Kai was tying up his sister as he waited for Lucas and Olivia to return with the knife. After the spree with the knife yesterday, getting to Jo had been almost too easy. She had been straight on the case, and she hadn’t even been protected. Now, they were just waiting for the twins to get the hunting knife she’d stored her magic in. Once they had that, they could reunite witch with magic and Kai could finally merge with his sister.

What a merry Christmas.

“Wonder how Lucas and Olivia are doing on that locator spell?” he asked conversationally as he clicked the manacles into place. Meg had given up answering a long time ago, but he still wouldn’t stop talking.

She flinched as a small flame erupted on a nearby twig and stomped it out as quickly as possible. Her magic would not listen to her. No matter how many times she commanded it to stop, or told it pleadingly that making forest fires would just deplete it more, it seemed determined to bring about violence and horror. Sounds familiar.

“Hey, Meg.”

She jumped, eyes dilating. Kai was sitting right in front of her. God, she hadn’t even seen him move. There was something like concern in his eyes. “Are you OK?”

As if in answer, her magic made the branch above her creak and sway, until it broke in half with an ominous crack. Meg yelped and ploughed into Kai, pushing him out the way and diving out of danger herself.

Several headstones exploded as the tree limb crashed onto them, chips of grey stone flying everywhere. Dust clouds billowed into the air, and everything smelled like charred wood. Shaking, Meg looked up at the tree. The bough that had broken off was singed, blackened, almost sooty, like it had been struck by lightning. Or something equally powerful.

She let out a dry sob, scooting away from the wreckage. Kai was staring, dumbfounded, at the tree but at her movement his blue eyes flicked to Meg. Understanding dawned on his face. “Your magic…”

Meg nodded slowly. Until now, she hadn’t paid any attention to the fact Kai hadn’t taken any magic from her. Not one speck. The more she thought about it, the stranger it seemed. Magic had been all he’d ever wanted of her. How could he have not jumped on that chance immediately?

He darted forwards, taking her wrist. The red glow started up and Meg bit back a grimace. It hurt again. That searing, tugging, pulling pain was back. God, it hurt. She looked at Kai, wanting to focus on something so she could ignore it more easily, and found that he was already looking at her. But when he saw her eyes move his way, he gave a vague jerk of his head and looked back at her wrist.

A feeling of numbing cool settled over her and Kai let go of her. She swayed on her seat, drained of much of her strength, and he put a hand on her shoulder bracingly. “I don’t think you’ll have much magic left after that.” he said ruefully.

She flexed her fingers, enjoying the lucidity. “Best news I’ve had all day.” she smiled crookedly, voice a little hoarse from being quiet so long.

He gave a little laugh, and sat down on the ground next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to keep her upright. Electricity tingled everywhere he touched her, even through her shirt. So much for lucidity.

As usual, Kai hadn’t taken all of her magic, and a feeling of recklessness coursed through her. Oh, well. It was Christmas. She gave him a little kiss on the corner of his mouth – no-one could blame her for that – and buried her face in his neck. “Thanks.”

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