The Man with the Dragon Tattoo(Chap. 1)

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It was nearing the end of my first day of school and there was only one class standing left in my way, art. I always thought art was boring and I was never good at it. Compared to everyone else art was my nap time. There's a new teacher this year because of the previous one's retirement. I walked in and sat down wherever I liked. I sat in the corner with a wall behind me. The other kids filed into the class while I got out my computer and started checking my emails while I had time. No one sat next to me which was ok because my best friend, Takamichi, got himself sick before the first day of school. He'll end up sitting next to me when he gets back. The bell rang and everyone took their seats. The door to the back room opened and out walked a man with a dragon tattoo of the side of his head. He had a long blonde braid that stopped at the end of his neck and a pencil behind his ear. Most of the kids weren't paying attention to him, but I was. I was surprised that a guy with a head tattoo would be allowed to work as a teacher. I wasn't just looking at his tattoo, I was looking at all of him. he had such nice features, from his face all the way down to his feet. He had big muscles, a toned body, oh did I mention I was gay? The second bell rang signifying the beginning of class.

The man cleared his throat to bring the classes attention to himself.

"Good Afternoon class I will be your new art teacher Mr. Ryuguji." You could here all the girls giggling and fangirling over his looks and deep voice. His voice was smooth and calm but still deep. He turned on the whiteboard(I go to fancy rich kid school I don't know anything else)and started directing the class. He gave us a break down on what we were going to do in the class and what kind of projects we were going to do. A normal class on the first day. Like normal I fell asleep with my head resting on my hand. Most of the time Takamichi would wake me up with the teacher would ask me a question or class was over but this time he wasn't here.

"Hey, you! Wake up." That was all I heard before a pencil came flying at my face. Either he was so bad that it missed me or he's so good that he purposely missed. The pencil stuck in the wall behind me next to my face. I had all the classes eyes on me.

"See me after class." Shit I'm in trouble. I stayed awake during the rest of the class from the fear of getting stabbed with a pencil. One the bell rung everyone rushed out the door to get in there car and leave. Sadly for me I had to stay behind and talk to Mr. Ryuguji.

"Hey H/C mop! Take a seat." He pointed to the seat right in front of his desk. I sat down with no hesitation. I looked up at him as he sat on top of his desk. Yep, a total delinquent.

"What's your name kid?"(ALEXANDER HAMILTON)

"Y/N sir."

"I like the sir but I still won't overlook the fact that you were sleeping in my class."

"Im sorry sir it won't happen again." Mr. Ryuguji sighed and put both of his feet on the desk resting his elbows on his knees.

"You see where your sitting Y/N?"


"You'll be sitting there starting from tomorrow." Shit! No more art naps then. I'll be on his radar all class. What's worse is that I'm right in front of him. Everything I do he will know about it.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Good now tomorrow you better stay awake or else I'll give you a real punishment." I got up and left the classroom with the words 'Be a good boy or someones getting a punishment' echoing in my head. I got in his car and called Takamichi. He answered.

"Yo bro whats up? How was school?"

"It was good I had to talk to the art teacher after school."

"What did you do now?"

"Well our new teacher almost killed me with a pencil because I was sleeping."

"Whoa really? That seems fucked up."

"Well it happened and I'm almost positive he's a former delinquent."

"Dude I can't wait to meet this guy. Well I have to go by Y/N."

"Bye." He hung up the phone. I finished the drive home and got out of my car. I opened the door to my single bedroom apartment and closed the door behind me. I put down my bags and face planted into my bed. For some reason I couldn't get what that teacher said out of my head. It wasn't just what he said, it was everything. His face, his body, the way he sat on his desk, his-, anyways. After throwing a mental tantrum I got up to make some dinner. I made something simple so that I could just go to bed. I cleaned up a bit around the apartment before going to bed. I layed down to go to bed but right before I went to sleep the only thing I could think about was me sitting in front of that teacher tomorrow during class.

A/N: Im reading this so I can write more ch. but DAMNNNNN that was a good intro chapter

A Dragon's Silhouette  Professor!Draken x Male!Student!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now