Desperate Measures(Chap.3)

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A/N: I am so thankful for all the love on the story, I had plenty of people asking me to make more. I was going to do another chapter once it got to a 100 reads but that time has long since past. 😅 I'm not gonna lie I had to read what I wrote because I forgot what the story was about. Enjoy!  


Before he knew it 4 weeks of school had gone by. He still sat in front of Mr. Ryuguji's desk during class and he still called him Mizuchi. 

4 weeks of no sleep in art class. 

4 weeks of having sex dreams about his teacher. 

4 weeks of deciding what he wanted from him. 

He came to the conclusion,   

he liked his teacher. 

He wanted him.

He liked the way he kept some of the buttons unbuttoned at the top of his shirt. 

He liked the way that you can see the waistband of his boxers whenever his shirt rides up. 

He liked the way he smelled. 

To him.......

his teacher already belonged to him. 


only in his dreams.

Your POV:

I woke up to the sound of my 6:30Am alarm going off. I did not want to got to school today. It was Monday. Takemichi and I played a bunch of video games all weekend because we had just finished some big tests. Point is, I did not get enough sleep. I got my ass out of bed and started getting ready. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I ate and walked out the door. I wasn't going to drive today because I did not want to fall asleep behind that wheel. I walked into the school doors and saw Takemichi talking to some girls. I said hi to him on my way to class. I walked in a sat down. 

~Time Skip~

The bell rang signifying that our class ended. Takemichi and I started walking towards the art room. I fell asleep during my last class so I was a little delirious while walking to this class. I came in and parted ways with my best friend while he went to go sit in the corner. Lucky me! I sit right in front of Mr.Ryuguji. I sat down at my desk and set down my things. I assumed Mr. Ryuguji was in the back room because I heard music playing and an assortment of noises coming from different objects. Soon after the bell rang Mr. Ryuguji walked out of the back room with an white button down shirt on with none of the buttons buttoned and black skinny jeans. he was re-braiding his hair and holding the ponytail holder in his mouth (Haha Baji ref.). He sat down on his desk and finished his braid with the rubber band. I felt like the actor in a get fucked by your teacher porno in the watchers POV. Don't ask me how I know that. But I'm being serious, thoses abs belong on a tv screen. I could hear the girls fangirling over him from all over the room. He started buttoning up his shirt while I heard disappointed 'aww's from the girls in the back of the class. 

"Sorry class I was finishing my workout. I didn't realize the bell rang." Sweat dripped down his perfect body.

"Good afternoon Mizuchi." I kindly lifted my head a few inches so I would focus on his face and not the neck down. 

"What did you say?" 

"Im sorry, were you distracted?" HELLO YOUR NAKED IN FRONT OF A GAY ADULT MAN. Yes I was distracted. He smirked and looked down on me like I was some helpless girl. 

"I-I wasn't distracted. I was.... just not paying attention." 

"So you were distracted." 

"Yeah...." Nice going Y/N you couldn't think of something hotter to say. Class started and Mr. Ryuguji started going over the material for our next art project. Nude Model. Well to be more precise, he was going to make us draw someone with clothes on and submit that but along with that draw the same person naked. He said it was good practice to draw the human body. You were supposed to submit that drawing of the person clothed for a grade and, with the person's permission, the nude drawing for no additional score. But kids were still going to do it anyways. He said shortly after the project he would have a model come in and we would do a longer nude sketch in one sitting. The past teacher would never make us do something this difficult. It was a whole new class with Mr. Ryuguji teaching it. After he explained everything he came over to my desk and sat on top of it. Both his legs hung down on either side of my lap while his arms were supporting him from behind. 

"Did we understand everything class." There was a mix of yes's and and yeah's but the only thing I could do is look up and down. Mr.Ryuguji looked down, back at me. 

"Did you understand that Mizuchi?" 

"Y-yes sir! But um, why are you sitting on my desk?" 

"Because I felt like it." He looked back up and started instructing the class on how they were going to start the project tomorrow. Excuse me sir but your crotch is right in my face and I can't seem to focus on anything you're saying right now besides the fact that I'm really turned on right now. For awhile my head was in the clouds until I feel a hand grab the back of my head and Mr. Ryguji's face being inches away from mine. 

"Are you paying attention?"No sir I'm hard and you are very attractive and smell good. 

"Yes sir." He let go of the back of my head and rested his hand back on my desk. I tried to not be horny for the rest of the class while Mr. Ryuguji kept talking. I kept glancing at Takemichi who was half asleep and half laughing at me. The bell rang and everyone got up to leave. Mr. Ryuguji got off of my desk and sat down on top of his own. 

"Remember to think about who you want to draw!" He yelled as everyone left the classroom. Takemichi waited for me while I gathered my things. 

"Bye Mizuchi~" I look up at Mr, Ryuguji who is giving me a small wave.

"Bye." I walk out the door with Takemichi and started on my way home. 

"Dude is it just me or does Mr. Ryuguji want you as a sex slave." 

"Cut that shit out Takemichi! I'm not that desperate for him." That was a lie. I was. 

"Tell that to the boner you got in class while Mr. Ryuguji was sitting on your desk." Shit. My face went red. 

"Haha see I knew you were desperate."  

"Someone could hear you!" After a long conversation of non stop bickering we parted ways. I waved goodbye to Takemichi and headed up to my apartment. I sat down on the couch and did my homework. Afterwards I closed my eyes and thought about what it felt like to have the back of my head grabbed my Mr. Ryuguji's hand.    

A/N: Sorry this chapter kinda sucked ass but Im getting into the writing groove again which is nice. I had like 3 writers block moments when writing this because I forgot all of my ideas for this story. Hopefully I release new chapters on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. No promises tho. Thank you for reading the new chapter and hope to see you soon!

A Dragon's Silhouette  Professor!Draken x Male!Student!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now