Tit for Tat

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"How dare you ask her for prom.." an angry Madhu
screamed at RK as she pushed him and climbed over
him with her knee at his chest while RK almost growled
in pain.
"what are you doing, have you gone mad?" He shouted
"Yes... i m mad with anger... how dare you ask that
bitch for prom..!"
"Get off me..." he managed to scream.
"I wont just answer me" stubborn Madhu had no plans
to forgive him.
"Oh my god you crazy..." RK noticed the bean bag
chair on one side and he pushed her hard on that, as he
was not pushing her away till now in fear that she
might hit something and get hurt.
He sat up and took deep breaths.. "Oh My God... I dont
believe you almost strangled me.." he said
"Okay so now tell me why you asked Dipali for prom?"
She asked still determined as she glared at him.
"Come on.. dont forget i have been running behind you
since a month...!!" He said not able to believe his ears
that Madhu was pointing at him.
"So?" Madhu askes baffled.
"What So.. you didn't respond to me... and of course
Rishabh Kundra cant go to prom alone.. so i had to ask
someone else.." he said still rubbing his chest as he
stated the obvious.
"Wasn't that understood that I would go with you...?"
Madhu raised her hands in the air not believing what
she heard.
"How is that understood? You have to tell me or atleast
say a meagre 'yes'" he argued back.
She flared in anger... "Fine!! Now you see.. I would go
with Sultan"
"Sultan!! You dont dare to.." he warned her.
"Of course.. Madhubala Malik cant go to prom alone..."
she threw his words back at him as she settled herself
casually on the bean bag.
"You don't know him Madhu... He is"
"He is behind me since 20 days..." she cuts him off
clearly delighted as she realised that RK didnt want her
to go with him.
"You are not going with him Madhu.." he said angrily.
"I am going with him... On your face Kundra.." she
scoffed and walked out of the room arrogantly.
The next evening RK was walking with Dipali in the
party. But his eyes clearly searched for someone else.
Dipali was way too excited to be Rishabh Kundra's date
for prom that she didnt notice RK's wavered attention.
While RK's eyes were constantly searching for Madhu
with that devil, Madhu on the other hand had a similar
situation except that she wanted to go infront of RK and
show him how much she is enjoying with his enemy.
RK saw them at a distance and before he could notice
Madhu's indifference to Sultan, Madhu turned to Sultan
with the sweetest smile. After a bit of hide and seek and
Madhu acting too much caring for Sultan in RK's
presence, RK had walked over to them. Not because he
was jealous but because he was worried. He knew
Madhu was just doing this to show off infront of him but
what he feared was that if Sultan takes her gestures to
be wrong he might behave inappropriately with her.
Madhu panicked as she thought RK was coming to
snatch her away from Sultan but instead he just smiled
and asked them to join company.
After sometime the 4 of them were sitting on a table and
enjoying food. Sultan though didnt like the idea much
but Dipali was just busy stealing glances at RK and
showing off the other girls that she is his date. Madhu
who was clearly displeased with her behavior decided
to teach her a lesson. Now Dipali was wearing a gown
that reached upto her heals and was free flowing.
Madhu turned to Dipali and with her most naughty
smile which only RK deciphered. He knew Madhu was
upto something and he panicked for Dipali but he didnt
know what she would do.
"Hey Dipali.. Dont you think you should get RK a
drink.. I really think he is feeling thirsty." She nodded at
RK sympathetically.
Dipali looked at RK who opened his mouth to refute the
idea as he knew Madhu was upto something.
"See... he also agrees.. no need to say yes RK.. I know
you very well... afterall we are buddies since always..."
she laughed playfully.
"Yes I think you are right and Madhu thanks for helping
me.." Dipali said with a smile as she stood up.
Frrr came a sound from below. All 4 of them were
stunned except for Madhu who feigned. While RK and
Sultan looked around to find the cause of the strange
sound, Dipali lowered down her head horrified. And
there was what she feared the most. Her gown had torn
almost upto the knee and in the worst way. She looked
around in embarrassment. She couldnt stay there for
long and almost ran towards the washroom. As Dipali
went away Madhu smiled at a furious RK evilly. He
looked down and saw Madhu's heels and he knew she
must have pinned Dipali's dress with her heel when
she stood up.
Well what else could he do now. He sighed in
disappointment. Only way left is give it back to her.
Ofcourse he couldnt hurt her or embarass her in public.
No way! He would have to do that to Sultan obviously.
After around 10 minutes he saw a waiter advancing
with a pastry and a soup in his tray. He looked at
Madhu with revengeful eyes and somehow when the
waiter was walking past them his tray fell on Sultan.
And there sat a man drenched in soup and noodles and
a pastry to garnish his head. Sultan stood up furiously
as he held the waiter by the collar.
"Hey hey! What are you doing man? Its just an
accident" RK intervened feeling bad for the waiter that
he would have to listen for no fault of his.
"Accident? Do you see what he has done?" Sultan
turned to him angrily. He could hear other boys and
girls lauging at him.
"Leave it man... clear it up... and u would be as
handsome as before.. just leave the poor soul" RK
pulled the waiter out of his grip and he ran for life.
Sultan looked around angrily. Then feeling a weight on
his head he raised his hand above. There was the
pastry still on his head. He held the pastry and took it
off. Well.. next second he was out of sight. What else
could the poor soul do.
Madhu looked at RK angrily as he sat down on his
chair casually as ever.
"What did you do?" Madhu stomped her foot.
"Gave somebody the taste of her own medicine" he said
as he took a bite of the pastry that had been on Sultan's
head a few seconds back.
Madhu frowned angrily and stood up. She turned
around angrily as she walked away. RK looked at her
smiling when he notice Madhu's right sandal's heel
was about to give away. That would mean Madhu
might fall down or hurt her foot. He immediately ran to
her as he held her closer to him by the waist.
"Leave me you idiot..." she said angrily.
"Just keep quite and let me handle...
You have broken the heel of your sandal.." Madhu tried
to get out of his grip.
"Dont struggle or u will stumble...
And all these people will mumble..." he said in a sing
song tone as he smiled seeing around the place.
Madhu looked down and saw her heel which was
shaking now. "Ohh it must have come away when i had
pulled on to Dipali's gown.." she said disappointed.
"That is still to be dealt with.." RK said in a firm tone..
After sometime they reached home. They lived in
adjacent houses. Padmini and Radha relaxed seeing
the two coming out of the same car.
"I told you na Padmini... They might go seperate but
they would be back together.." Radha said happily.
"Yes Radha.. I am so relieved.. I was really tensed at
the thought that this new boy would be with her at this
time of night.. who knows how he might be.. These
young boys can be really spoilt." Padmini said smiling
relieved on seeing Madhu with RK.
But soon they noticed Madhu angrily glaring at RK and
then she stomped into the house. While RK too went to
his home angrily.
"When would they stop fighting..." Padmini said
irritated again.
"Not anytime soon for sure..." Radha said playfully.

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