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"But whats the problem Madhu... You know him since
childhood..." argued Padmini when Madhu was
adamant on refusing RK's proposal.
" I never saw him like that. He is just my friend and I
CANT LOVE HIM..." screamed Madhu now tired of
explaining her mother how important it is to fall in love
before marriage or at least fall in love with whom you
"But you would love him later..." Padmini tried
"Mom... I know him since i was maybe 2 years.. I have
seen him play in mud, getting scolded by Radha ma and
Papa even you and Dad... I have seen him crying for
his broken airplane, being nervous to propose his first
crush, i have bloody seen him wet his pants..." Madhu
was agitated by now.
"Madhu that was when he was 7 year old..." Padmini
said firmly.
"Yes thats the whhole point... How can I fall in love
with him when I have seen all these things..."
"What kind of a twisted psychology is that?" Padmini
asked exasperated at her wits' end. "And havent you
seen him grow from a helpless small crybaby to a
responsible and caring son. Havent you seen him
handle all his father's responsibilities, havent you seen
him saving Trishna in that accident, havent you seen
him dressed for his first prom, havent you seen him
grow into a handsome man.."
Madhu sighed at the last part. Handsome... ahmmm
yes he was... way too much... haye... ohh no... no no
no... Straighten up Madhu.. No bowing down.
"Okay mom... I understand that... but I cant marry... I
have no plans to marry right now... I am not ready for
that relationship..." she said as she dropped herself on
the bed helplessly.
But Madhu couldnt argue with her mother for long.
Afterall she was HER mother... equally adamant. And
to a certain extent she was right. She had to marry
some day. But why so early.
Atlast not able to argue with Padmini anymore, Madhu
called RK.
"Hii Madhu..." said RK in his usual sing song tone.
"What is this RK...?" Madhu asked angrily.
"And What is what?" He asked calmly knowing well that
Madhu can be put off by the most silliest things in the
world and she can then make a hell for anybody. But it
was only him who could sort out the problem. In fact
she was the major reason that RK had grown
responsible, and a think before you act kind of a
person. A fire brigade for most of the people around and
specially Madhu. Because since childhod he had been
managing her tantrums.
"Dont act as if you dont know..." she said angrily.
"I dont know babe... tell me..." he said coolly.
"Stop calling me that..." she said irritated. She already
never liked those names and specially now that he
wants to marry her.
"Aahhh How I love that face.." he said as if able to see
Madhu's expression.
"RK its a serious matter here..." Madhu stretched the
syllables irritated.
"Oooh.. Okay miss serious... Lets hear another of your
SERIOUS PROBLEM" he said sarcastically laughing a
"You have sent marriage proposal at my home?" Madhu
asked in a calm and dangerous tone.
"WHAT!!!" he said shocked out of his wits. "Is it some
kind of joke Madhu?" He asked baffled.
"Dont you know??? OMG... and mom is pestering me
since whole day to say yes to this proposal.." she said
shocked even more on how she is been made a fool of.
"Why hasnt anyone told me?" He said still confused.
"Very good then... Just say No... and this matter
finishes here..." Madhu says getting relaxed.
"Ooo wait a second... let me get accustomed to the
idea..." RK said trying to get back to the calm mode.
"Okay..." Madhu said as she started humming
something waiting for him to get accustomed.
"Whoah... This time it was a serious matter... Great
going babe..." He said as he let the news sink in.
"Told ya..." she said happily as she thought she proved
herself infront of RK. "So now the matter solves... you
go.. tell Radha ma that you dont want this marriage"
she ordered him calmly.
"And why should I do that?" He asked seriously.
"Because we dont want to marry each other..." she
stated the obvious.
"Who says I dont want to marry you.." he asked
"Of course RK... I know..."
"No you don't... BTW why dont you want to marry me?"
He asked feeling offended.
"Because I am not ready for marriage... Na! Not at all..
i am still young and not in such a situation as to lead a
life of a responsible wife or a daughter in law..."
RK relaxed hearing her. He had dreaded Madhu might
point anything bad in him. He had been in love with her
since times unknown. He had always seen her as his
wife. That's why he had grown up to be as compatible
as he could be for her. "Sure? Or is there some problem
with me?" He asked trying to get sure.
"Ofcourse its also you..."
RK felt anxious and afraid. "What about me? Am I bad
or unfit?" He saiid also feeling angry. Ofcourse he had
that male ego.
"Are you mad? You and unfit... Ha... Improve your
humor Kundra..." she said baffled at his statement.
RK took a breath of relief as his male ego stood up
straight again. "Its that we have been knowing each
other since always... Do you think we can ever fall in
love when we have seen all shades of each other... I
mean come on... how can you love the girl you have
seen crying like a maniac on breakage of her cycle..."
she laughed.
"Come on.. Dont portray urself so naive... You had
beaten up poor Mukund for just breaking ur paddle that
too by mistake..." he added sarcastically.
" Yeah.. see.. would you ever be able to love me?"
"what kind of a twisted psychology is that?" RK asked
exasperated. He heard Madhu gasp.
"What hapened Madhu?" He asked worried.
"Mom said the same words when I was talking to her
about this..." she said in a surprised tone.
"Any sane person would say that... But as we know
who is NOT sane here... and wait a sec.. what
examples did you give her?" RK asked suddenly
dreading that she might not have said something
" Yeah I said to her how can I love a man whom I have
seen being scolded and crying on refusal of first crush
and wettING HIS PANTS..." Madhu's tone transitioned
to an amused one at the last part as she now realised
what exactly she had said.
"Madhu I am gonna kill you..." he said in a dangerous
Madhu laughed hard at that. "I cant believe I said
that... wow... I have a sharp tongue..."
"Okay so back to the discussion..." RK says annoyed.
"Yeah so anyways we cant marry for sure..."
"Madhu I can marry you.. In fact I want to marry you..."
he emphasized.
Madhu suddenly felt lost of words. She couldn't believe
her ears.
"See... You say you are not ready for marraige.. and
you say that we know each other since always... thats
an ideal blend..." he says trying to explain.
"What?" Madhu was confused and hurt that even RK
didnt understand her.
"Dont jump to conclusions..." he said knowing what
Madhu must be thinking now. "Listen.. like today you
are not able to refuse mom, maybe tomorrow again you
wont be able to refuse. Today its me and i can
understand and even refuse for this proposal for ur
happiness... but tomorow it might be someone else and
maybe he wont refuse or succumb to ur wish.. he might
want to proceed with the relation. I understand u need
time to accept the marriage thing and I can give you all
the time you need.. but maybe that other person wont
give you that time and expect you to be a good wife and
a better daughter in law..."
madhu listened to him and realsied that what he said
was right. She hadnt thought of this. If she is made to
marry someone else she wont even know that man.
And he wont understand her the way RK does. But how
will she accept RK..
"Madhu remember you trusted me with that Sultan and
let me sit in your place and ultimately I had to punch
his nose broken... Trust me with this too..." he
reasoned her.
Yes... Madhu thought. Ofcourse RK can never decide
something wrong for her. He had sat with the long
haired wig and her dress only to reveal Sultan's real
colours to her when Sultan had successfully made her
trust himself but his evil plans were revealed only
because of RK. What would she have done if RK wasnt
there at that time. Madhu was stil thinking.
" Madhu..." called an apprehensive voice from the other
"What if I am not able to accept this relation as more
than friendship?" She asked in a lost tone.
"Then we would stay as we are... Like friends... and I
would let you free if you feel this marriage as a
captivity to your choices..." he said with a heavy heart.
Madhu noticed the disheartened tone. She knew RK too
well and she knew that was totally unwilling. She knew
now that RK wants to marry her. If not for herself, she
would give this a chance for him. She cant see him
upset. She had beaten up that Dipali when she had
betrayed RK. How can she herself be the cause of his
pain. If he wants to give this a chance she would too.
And moreso she had always compared every guy with
RK. Then why not try this. And even if the marriage
thing doesnt work still they are friends.
"Okay RK... But its just because its your decision.. and
i trust ur instincts..." she said as she didnt want to
show herself soft and willing lest he might

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