The Heartbreak

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My eyes opened as the sun shined outside the window. My eyes were burning due to all the crying and they felt so heavy that I could barely keep them open. I looked around the room.

Crumpled roses, burned out candles, pillows on the floor, broken glasses. If it weren't for my broken heart, one would think we had a wild night here. One couldn't miss the silence in the house. Almost like someone died in here. Well, a part of me did, I guess.

Maybe he hadn't returned after all. Or maybe he did and then left again. Did he not see me sleeping on the couch? Like he would care to put me in the bed. Don't forget Amy, it was all a show.

My thoughts were still running from last night. I just couldn't stopped thinking. I pushed myself out of the bed and walked to the bathroom like a lifeless body. I looked myself in the mirror and almost scoffed. Didn't even have the energy to do that. If someone had shown me this picture of myself a few hours ago, I wouldn't have been able to recognize myself. There I was still in my wedding dress. The one I had bought after so much struggle. The one that he had help me buy. I would have cried again just looking at it but looks like my eyes are out of tears. My hair that was pinned perfectly until twelve hours ago in a french bun was now in disarray. My eyes that shown with happiness until last evening were now puffy and red. My dress was wrinkled and my makeup was ruined.

But, nothing about yesterday mattered. Maybe to the world it did. But, to me it didn't. Was the wedding just like how I dreamt of it? How beautiful I looked? How happy I was? How much the vows meant? How happy everyone was for us? Nothing mattered anymore. How will it matter when the two people who got married were not even true to themselves in the first place? How will anything matter when it was all a plan from the start? How will it matter when my husband pretended to love me for last one year? How will anything feel good when my husband hates me more than the devil himself? How will it not feel like I am being choked when the day that was supposed to be the happiest day in my life turned out to be the worst nightmare?

I took a soft breath and gather the little strength left in me. I went for a shower. I tried not to recall all the events from yesterday. But, the images would just not stop flowing. The minute I closed my eyes it all came back biting me and I could do nothing but let them replay again.

The previous day

The wedding décor was magical.

Actually magical is not the right word. There is no right word to describe it. It was just like how I had dreamt it to be. I always wanted to get married somewhere where there was a lot of green. I had shared it with Aaron the first time we had talked about marriage. He is such a darling. He remembered it and when we started planning the wedding he had already booked this place on the outskirts of the city near a lake. The whole area was filled with white lilies and orchids. There were not a lot of guests. Just family and close friends. Aaron knows that I do not like a lot of attention and he wanted me to enjoy my wedding to the fullest.

Daniel, Aaron's brother, was his best man. Diana and Josh, Aaron's parents were smiling with tears in their eyes as I walked down the aisle. I still remember how shocked Josh was when I first met him. Diana joked that Aaron is always so drone to his business that they almost expected that he will die single. They were such good people and had instantly welcomed me to the family. Daniel was like a brother to me and Diana and Josh insisted I should call them Mom and Dad even before Aaron proposed.

Marcus had some important meeting so he missed the wedding. Since, Marcus was only family I had, Aaron's cousins and a few of my good friends had become my bridesmaids. There was no maid of honor. I could never give that place to anyone but one and she was not here. No one asked me anything about my decision either. They respected my privacy and readily accepted it.

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