It has been a week since our wedding. A week since my dreams crashed. A week since the devil showed his true colors. A week since the torture begin. No, his torture didn't stop at cooking and cleaning. Making me run around for stupid things does not satisfy that Dracula's thirst for my blood.
Since that afternoon, he has suddenly decided that he wants me to sit with him while he eats what I have cooked. If you think the reason behind it is some stupid cheesy romance, you are as wrong as I was in the first place. He doesn't give a damn about if I have eaten or not. He wants me to sit in front of him so that he can tell me how bad I cook. The whole time he is complaining about what is wrong with whatever I have made. I am just happy he doesn't ask me to get up and get anything for him while we both are eating. I am always on my foot around him all through the day. I swear I will break the dishes on his head if he doesn't even let me eat peacefully. Maybe that will wipe the smirk off his handsome face.
To top this, the idiot doesn't even let me go out of the house. Neither does he go out and disappear somewhere nor does he let me go anywhere. His reason being, it is too soon for his newly married wife to be seen in public. After all, we are supposed to be on a honeymoon period, his words not mine. We were not even planning to go for a honeymoon in the first place because Aaron had told me that he had some major project to oversee right after our wedding. How did all this nonsense about a honeymoon period come up then? Honeymoon Period, my foot. This is more like a Torture Period.
Why? Why did I have to ever tell him that I love my sleep? This is why you shouldn't trust people, Amy. Look, now he is using it against you and has made it the mission of his life to disturb your sleep as well.
At night, he plays video games on his gaming laptop, puts on head phones and then yells. He is so bad at it. He doesn't even like video games. He told me himself when we were dating. How do I know if what he said was true? Because Daniel had told me too. Daniel loves video games and he always brags about how bad Aaron is and how he can defeat him in minutes.
And if you think it ends in the night, no. Every morning at bloody six a.m. instead of letting me sleep, that irritating, arrogant, sadist of a man is working out in the gym with music blasting so loud that I can fucking hear it in my room. Why does he have to work out at six a.m.? It is winters. Don't you want to snuggle under the duvet and sleep till late in the morning? He already has a perfect body. He just wants to ruin every last strand of peace in my life.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled as I walked into the gym and lowered the music.
"What? I am just working out? Oh, did I ruin your beauty sleep again, darling?" he smirked.
"And you need to blast music in the whole fucking penthouse for that? Put on some earphones, dumbass", I yelled back.
"You sure are chirpy in the morning", he smiled sarcastically as he got up and took the towel off his neck.
I would have swooned looking at his sweaty broad chest, but I ain't in the right mind to even think like that. I am damn sleepy.
I sighed and I said, "Look, I haven't been able to rest for days. I haven't slept for more than five hours a day since before our wedding. First it was the wedding, then your stupid plan to torture me for reasons unknown to me. I can hardly sleep at night because of all the yelling that you do. The some remaining hours that are left I-"
"Go on, I am listening. Remaining hours you what?" he said as he got on the treadmill to walk.
"The remaining hours I cry myself to sleep." I whispered to myself as the bastard just continued looking at me without a word.

Just Revenge (#1)
RomanceI looked at his eyes and put up a strong face. His eyes bore into mine as much as mine into his. It was like he could read my mind and reach out to my soul just by looking into my eyes. I tried to read his thoughts, too, but it felt like he had bloc...