The Two Rooms

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"Aaron! Drive slowly. We can not afford to get into an accident right now", I yelled at him. I understand that driving normally would take us minimum an hour to get there and we have to reach as soon as possible. But, this is insane. He is driving at hundred and ten miles an hour.

"Mel, the police said-"

"I know what the police said. Mom and dad were inside the house when the fire started. They are rescuing them as we are about to reach. But, at the rate you are driving, we might get into an accident ourself. How will that be of any help to anyone?!" I asked him.

"We should have taken the chopper", Aaron said.

"There is no place to land the chopper near the house. Additionally, getting it ready would have taken time that we didn't have, you said it yourself." I reminded him.

"If something happens to them, what will I do?" Aaron asked breathlessly blinking back his tears.

I crossed my fingers. "Nothing will happen to them, okay? We will go there and make sure they are fine. In fact, you know, it might be a small fire. Maybe by the time we get there-" I stopped talking as Aaron took a turn into the lane and I caught a sight of the blazing flames from far. I gulped and held my hands in fear. It wasn't not small. It was extremely huge. The area was filled with noises of sirens. There was a lot of commotion and people had come outside their houses to look at it. The fire almost looked uncontrollable.

Aaron parked on the other side of the road, a little far from the scene. We got out without wasting a second. There were policemen, ambulances and firemen all around. We hastily crossed the street and ran towards the house.

"Mr. Kingston!" one of the chiefs called us from afar. We halted and turned left to meet him midway.

"Mr. Kingston, your parents have been rescued successfully. They are being treated in that ambulance there. You can go see them while we try to manage the fire." We were running towards the ambulance before he even completed his sentence.

We spotted mom and dad sitting inside an ambulance and ran to them. My eyes were blinding with tears. Tears of worry, joy, relief and fright.

"Mom. Dad. How are you? How did it happen? Are you okay? How much does it hurt? Did you let the nurse check everything? Is there any serious damage? Do you need any-" Aaron rambled on until mom cut him off.

"Aaron, Aaron, Aaron! We are fine. We have a few small rashes here and there and your father has a small burn on his right arm but, nothing serious at all. We are completely alright. Breath, son", Mom smiled at him and Aaron hugged her in return.

"Besides, do you think your mom would be so quite if she was in slightest pain?" dad said making us chuckle.

"Shut up, Josh. Amy, dear stop crying. We are fine", mom said and I ran to hug her.

"I..I didn't know what to do. I was so scared. I didn't want lose either of you. Aaron was driving so, I..I had to calm him down too. I couldn't even cry. I am just so happy to see...see both of you okay...that I can't control my tears..tears anymore. I love both of you. I don't know what I would have done", I said between hiccups.

"Amy, we are alright. Aaron, get her some water", Dad said caressing my head.

Aaron got me a bottle of water and I took a few sips from it.

"Just by the way, this isn't fair. Both of you hugged your mother and no hugs for me?" dad pouted. We both rolled our eyes and hugged him.

"You both are definitely fine, right?" I asked once again.

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