The Angry Boss

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"What the bloody hell is this?" Aaron yelled throwing the designs on the desk.

"They are the designs you asked for." I replied with confusion.

"This trash is what you are going to show the Duke's grandson tomorrow? I think you do not understand how important this project is, Amelia," he yelled again, his voice getting louder.

"But, what is wrong with them? I think they are good enough." I tried to explain.

"Good enough?" Aaron scoffed, "It is the Duke's family! Do you think good enough is what we are looking for? I specifically mentioned in the email that it is supposed to be a three floor house. Where is the design for the third floor? Also, the designs for the first two floors are ridiculous! They are so plain and unclear. Do I need to explain such basics to you as well? Are you that unprofessional?" he said getting even angrier.

"My professionalism is not a matter of question, Mr. Kingston. I told you it was not possible for me to design something good in two days! But, you said-"

"I know what I said. I asked for a draft but, this is incomplete and extremely vague. It is not even worth calling it a draft. It is absolutely shit." Aaron yelled again.

"Two days is not enough!" I exclaimed.

"Then, you should have worked overtime. I told everyone in the meeting that they will have to work additional hours for this project, didn't I? You could have worked on Saturday if two days weren't enough for you! But, no you had different plans so you decided to procrastinate on your work!" Aaron's voice rose a notch.

"I did no such thing. I would never procrastinate on my work for anything. You know it very well, Mr. Kingston." I was getting angrier by each passing second. I tried my best. I gave him the best designs I could make in such a short period of time. I don't know what more he expected from me. He is an architect himself. He knows how hard it is!

"Redo all of them properly. I want a perfect draft for all the three floors tomorrow before the clients arrive. Work as many hour as you have to. If it is not done correctly and the design is anything less than perfect, consider yourself fired", he ordered and restarted working on this laptop.

"Mr. Kingston, you know it is not possible for me to complete it in one day. I am not even sure what is wrong!" I told him almost yelling. This man is getting on my nerves.

"Then I'd suggest you stop wasting time and get back to work." he said without giving me a glance.

"I know why you are doing this. You want to fire me and this is the chance of the century for you, isn't it? You might already have something ready like you had for Mrs. Brown and you will just reject everything I design irrespective of it being good or bad. That is the plan, isn't it?" I asked frustrated. He did not reply as if he didn't even hear a word I said. I was fucking angry at this point. It is impossible for me to redraw them in one day and he knows it.

"I will not give you the satisfaction of winning."

Even if he already has the backup plan and is adamant on rejecting my designs and firing me, I will work my best. I will redo them with all my strength and throw it on his face. I will draw them so much better that he will feel guilty when he will reject them.

I collected the designs and left his office. When I went outside, the floor was dead silent and everyone was staring at me. It looked like they all heard what happened inside. Some of them were giving me pitiful looks and others were giving curious glance. I just avoided their stares and got back to my desk. Since all of us were working on this highly secret project, our desks have been shifted temporarily to the fourteenth floor. As a result, the setup is pretty random. The guy sitting on my right is from legal department, the woman on my left is from finance and the girl behind me is from the construction department. Luke's desk is right beside the girl from construction.

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