The Begining

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"Venti, Venti!" You shouted out to the navy haired boy as you saw him in the middle of a crowd. "Hm? Oh! Y/N! Hii~!" Venti shouted out back at you when he saw you yelling at him. Venti did his best to get past the crowded city. You ran towards the navy haired boy, as you were afraid someone would take you away from him quicker than he could get to you. You shoved past people who groaned at you shoving them aside, you didn't mind it though. All that was on your mind was to get to Venti and you'll be safe. Some people stared at you, a child around 13 running towards another child who looked to be around the age of 14. "Venti!" You screamed out again, you both were practically playing Marco Polo, except with eyes open and in the middle of a crowd. "Y/n!' Venti screamed out back to you, still making his way towards your voice. You shoved by a man who seemed really pissed. The man grabbed your arm before you could get away. Most of the crowd ignored you as they were too busy with the event that caused the crowd to form. The man pulled you to him, throwing his arm into the air, he slammed it down on your cheek, leaving a hand slap mark there, a red hue appearing on the hand mark almost instantly.

Venti witnessed what had just happened. A man who looked to be 30-39 had just hit a child, his best friend, Y/n.. Venti couldn't agree with the event that just unfolded and shoved past everyone even quicker than he did before, he wanted to get to you as quickly as his little body could. You were stilling being held by the arm of the man, he was now keeping you by his side, acting as if you were his child, and that he had not hit you. The grip he had on your arm made his nails dig into your skin. Your now bleeding, Venti kept running towards you. People gasped as the boy shoved past them. "Y/n!" Venti shouted out at you. You looked in his direction and now thought that struggling out of the mans grip was a good idea. It was not. He ended up making his grip stronger, causing more blood to gush out of your arm. You howled in pain as his nails dug deep into your skin.

"Y/n!" Venti shouted out at you again. You were frozen in place, trying to ease the pain that you were currently feeling. The man looked down at you with a smirk on his face. Venti neared your location, still pushing, and shoving past other people. Venti now has smelt the smell of blood. It was horrid scent as he knew who the owner of the blood was. Blood dripped down your arm, but you stayed silent, trying to not anger the man to cause you any more pain that he already has. The people around the man has also smelt the smell of blood, and we're looking around for where the scent was coming from. Venti kept running towards you, people now looking in the direction he was running, the people who looked to where Venti's destination was and saw where the scent was coming from. It was coming from you.

"OH MY GOD!" A women screamed as she saw your arm. The man looked at her and the women looked away, she was afraid. You were afraid. Venti was afraid, yet Venti still kept running towards you. Your and Venti's hope had been crushed as the adults did nothing to help you. The man was looking at Venti, he copied that smirk he had earlier and pasted it on his face again. The mans arm was out, ready to put that blood leaking grip onto Venti's arm as well. "What's that smell" someone in the crowd asked, as everyone in the crowd now realized blood was being spilt. "VENTI!" You screamed out for the last time, before the man knocked you out with a swift chop to a pressure point.

"Y/N!" Venti screamed out as a man pulled Venti away from you. "Please let me go man!' My friend is there! I need to help her!" Venti scolded the man. "Kid, You have other friends, no one's going to help her and you'd make it worse for her if you arrived near her." The man told Venti. "She has no more fate, she's as good as road kill now." The man told Venti after. Venti's rage has fired up, as the man holding down Venti called his best friend road kill, as the man told him that he had other friends. Venti did not have another friend. She was his only friend at the time. "Let me go!" Venti told the man as he struggled to get out of the mans grip. The man holding Y/n was now walking away, carrying Y/n Bridal style, acting as of his child has gotten hurt by something else.

"Don't go! Don't leave me!" Venti was now shouting out towards you. Venti's tears spilt as he was crying out for you. A woman noticed the man holding down Venti, so she ran towards him and hit the man, the man let go of Venti, and looked at the woman. "Let go of that Child, if you looked into his eyes, it would show pain, sadness, and guilt! That's probably his only friend!" The woman shouted out at the man. Venti looked at the woman as a thank you and ran after you. The man and the woman were till arguing but Venti ignored it as his only focus was to save you.

"What's this? A child chasing after a man who held his best friend captive?" A man from the shadows spoke out. "I guess I shall step in this time, I'll plan out the contacts a different day." The man spoke outloud, then ran after you and Venti. Venti noticed a figure run by, but he was too quick for Venti to see who the figure was. Next thing Venti knew when he looked forwards again, was the man who had held you captive on the floor, groaning outloud as Y/n laid on the grass near him. Venti took this opportunity and ran towards you as fast as he could. The figure that Venti had saw earlier picked you up, then ran towards Venti. Venti stood there. He knew that of he were to die, he wanted to die with you near him. So he accepted the fate that he had in his mind, yet to his surprise, the figure grabbed Venti and knocked Venti out.

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