Sleep well..

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Unknown amount of time later...

Venti was out near Liyue with Y/n. She was clinging onto his arm while Venti did his business in Liyue. "I'm hungry, let's get food Y/n!" Venti said bashfully at Y/n. Y/n only nodded and they headed towards where food smelt the best. After getting food, they set their journey back to Mondstat. Where Venti was a known bard at. Venti and Y/n walked their way back to Mondstat, leaving Liyue behind.

While you both were walking, Venti jumped up at the sight of an apple tree. "Y/n, let's go gather some apples!" Venti told you as he ran over to the apple tree. You walked over to the apple tree, knowing that if you run, it would cause great danger to your well-being. You didn't know what kind of case you had, but it was horrible enough that it stopped you from walking that much, or even running, in all, you basically had really short breath. "Y/n, your so slow, why don't you ever run anymore?" Venti asked you as you finally arrived at the apple tree. You looked at Venti disappointed as you didn't want to talk about it. He got the gist and changed the subject almost immediately.

"I thi k we have enough apples, let's get going again!" Venti exclaimed. You were resting under a tree. Venti went over to you to see if you were awake which you were not, so he picked you up bridal style and carried you the rest of the way to Mondstat, just like he did when you both were heading to Liyue. The Mondstat people looked at you both as Venti entered through the front gates. "I don't get why they're staring at us.." Venti whispered to himself as he kept walking. Venti had a home that he stayed in most of the time, so he made his way to that home so he could lay you down to rest even more.

"They look like a couple. Young love is great, isn't it?" Venti overheard a woman say. "I never knew the bard had a lover.." another girl said. "She deserves more than that bard. The bard is poor and doesn't do much to-" another Mondstat person said. Venti was fed up and began running, trying his best to get home quickly, and to avoid all the bad talk people were saying to you two. Some of the people Venti could hear even by running we're pedophiles talking about how amazing you'd be as their pet, while others talked about how surprised they were about finding out you two were "dating". Venti finally arrived at his house and opened the door quickly, slamming it behind him so that the outside talk would be silenced. Venti made his way upstairs, being extra careful to not drop you. Venti made it to his room as he laid you down on his bed, covering you with his covers so that you wouldn't get cold. Venti then grabbed his lyre, and went outside to play some tunes for the Mondstat citizens.

"Where's Venti?" You asked no one in particular before getting up. You noticed the dark covers over your body, so you knew you were at Venti's house. Though you did not seem to find the bard anywhere in his house. You decided that he was outside so you went on a stroll to look for him, making sure to take breaks along the way in case you'll need the longest short breath you could have. You heard a familiar sound of the lure playing near the cathedral, so you went your way to find out who's playing the melody. As you finally got up the stairs, you saw Venti with a crowd around him, he was playing the lyre. The bard was doing his normal performance. You only watched from afar, waiting for Venti to finish his performance and head back home.

You waited and stayed awake the whole time Venti was doing his performance. Venti was finally done so he grabbed the hat of coins that they Mondstat people dropped in there, and made his way to the stairs, noticing you near a shop that was near the stairs. "Oh, Y/n!, let's go home now!" Venti told you as he waved over to you. You nodded as a reply and made your way over to the bard. You both walked home, taking short breaks to buy things and whatnot. As the two of you finally arrived back home, Venti immediately ran up the stairs, jumping onto the bed that you were resting on before. You made your way up the stairs, slowly but surely that it'd be worth it in the end, as you got to lay on the floor or bed, depending on what Venti decides for you. As you finally arrived at Venti's room, he was sitting on the bed, waiting for you. "You take so long to even go up the stairs, are you sure there's nothing wrong with you? Or are you just that tired?" Venti asked you, tilting his head a little be towards the left. You nodded as you walked closer to him. "Bed or floor?" You asked Venti. He seemed confused for the first second, but then realized what you were talking about. "Hmm how about bed." Venti told you. You nodded as you sat on the bed as well. "Are you going to sleep on the floor then?" You asked Venti. He shook his head no. "Nope! I'm gonna be sleeping with you this time!" Venti said proudly. Your cheeks warmed up and a visible blush was now on your face. Venti noticed and then his cheeks flared up too. Just now realizing what he said. "I mean like, share the bed. I won't do anything to you, I promise!" Venti told you in a hurry. You giggled as you nodded your head. You were sure that Venti wouldn't do anything to you.

"Okay then, get comfortable" Venti said as you laid down on the bed, before Venti did so too, his back facing you. You took off his beret and set it aside to the night stand that was closer to you. You then hugged Venti from behind because that felt more comfortable for you. Venti squeaked before getting used to the feeling. Your eyelids felt heavy as you fell into a deep slumber, still holding onto Venti tightly. Venti smile to himself before letting the darkness take over him as well.

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