News about War...

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As you and Venti we're walking around Mondstat, you noticed the sky getting darker. "Hey Venti, look at the sky, it's getting darker." You told Venti. He looked up, his eyes widened for a second before returning back to normal. "I think it's just going to rain, better head back inside!" Venti cheerfully said to you. You agreed by nodding your head, and you and Venti headed back home. It did not end up raining that day.

"Hey Venti, Yesterday didn't rain like you said it would. The sky's still dark. What do you think it means?" you asked Venti, now becoming more concern which is what Venti wanted the least. "I don't know..." Venti told you. Venti looked down, he seemed to be thinking of something but what was that something? "Hey Windy, do you know anything about what this means?" You turned your body around to ask Windy who was behind you. The creature stayed still for a moment before shaking it's head. You took it as a no and looked down in disappointment. "I hope everything's going to be okay if it turns out to be something bad." you told yourself. Venti looked up and nodded his head behind you silently.

"No need to get all gloomy now though! Let's do our daily adventures before it becomes even darker!" You shouted out cheerfully. You grabbed Venti's hand and grabbed Windy's body gently and ran off out of Mondstat with the two. "EUAHH Where are we going?" Venti asked you. "Windrise!" You shouted back. Your running ended shortly as you lost your short breath in the matter of just getting to the bridge. You let go of the two as you fell down to your knees, coughing roughly. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Venti asked you, kneeling down to your height. "I'm... *cough* Fine." You lied to Venti. You couldn't breathe that well as you kept coughing. "Your not. Let's go home. You should rest. No more adventuring for today." Venti told you. You only looked at him as you were still coughing. "I'll carry you back, just rest okay?" Venti told you. Venti put his arms around you and gently picked you up. "Get Windy too." You told Venti. He nodded and walked over to Windy who was on the ground.

Venti crouched down so you could pick Windy up. You ended up coughing after placing Windy on your stomach. Venti only looked at you with sadness on his face as he slowly walked back home. "The sky's gotten darker hasn't it?" Venti spoke to you softly. "It.. *Cough* Has.* You told Venti. Rain started to sprinkle onto Mondstat. You looked up as a rain droplet fell on your face. Your breathing was still racing as you were still coughing. "It's raining." Venti said to himself. You only smiled as more rain fell down. It was now pouring. You, Windy, and Venti we're now drenched. Your breathing roughened as the weather got colder. Venti noticed this and walked even faster than he was before, to home.

"Hang in there Y/n, I'll get you a blanket and then you can rest!" Venti told you as he was now running to the house you both lived in. You were now coughing more as you couldn't breathe that well. Venti was now really worried and kept running towards the house. "Almost there!" Venti told you and the house was now a mile away.Yoy kept coughing roughly. Venti made it inside the house, only to run up the stairs and place you on the bed, covering you with the original blanket that was there. Venti then left the room to grab another blanket, but warmer than the other.

Once Venti came back, his heart stopped racing. You were now sleeping on the bed, resting as he told you to do so. Windy right next to you for moral support, and also for pain relieving so that you don't cough as much in your sleep. Venti smiled at you and put the other blanket he had fetched not to long ago, over you. You snuggled into the two blankets immediately. Venti's body warmed up to this thought as he looked outside the small window. Venti walked over to the window, looking at the dark, gloomy sky. He has no idea what was coming, but he expected it'd be the soon coming "Archon War".. Venti dismissed his thoughts as he walked over to the other side of the bed. Venti took off his cape and beret and slid under the covers next to you. Venti then fell asleep.

During the morning, you were still sleeping, your coughing had seized, Venti and Windy we're downstairs talking to each other as Venti understood what Windy was saying. Just as he expected, the Archon War was soon coming to action. Venti had not recently found out that Windy was in fact, the anemo archon, bit Venti chose to keep that fact hidden from you, to protect you. Windy also thought that this was best for you as well. No matter creature or human, your still a really important person in their life and they would never want to loose you. Both share the same feelings in that term, but on crush terms, it would differ.

When you woke up, you tried to get out of bed, but since it was too warm, you decided to stay in bed for the day, resting and hoping Venti or Windy would be able to keep you company while you rested. That thought soon vanished as you fell back to sleep again. You "dreams" were haunting you. You shifted uncomfortably in your sleep and you kept sleeping. You had this erie feeling about the dark sky and your dream was stressing you out about it even more. That dream was slowly turning into a nightmare as you kept shifting uncomfortably in the bed.

Venti had opened the door and let Windy inside first, then he came into the room, shutting the door behind him. Windy noticed you were shifting uncomfortably in the bed and notified Venti with a quiet but hearable noise. Venti looked over to you and walked fastly over to you silently. He was worried and got in bed with you, hugging you tightly in the bed as you started to calm down. You stopped shifting which lifted Venti's worries off him. Venti then felt too comfortable to move, but also to scared to move as you might start shifting again. Venti laid there, his arms still around your body, and his chest again your back. Venti fell asleep, hugging you closely, knowing you were safe. Well safe until the Archon war started at least...

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