Pages torn, book closed.

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"That all was it... That's how I got this form. That's how my friends were taken away from me.." Venti told Aether as he closed the book in his hands. Aether looked down at Venti from behind, empathy showing on his face. "So then what?" Paimon asked. "Paimon, could you go fetch us some apple?" Aether asked Paimon. "What? You wanna have a feast now that Venti's story was done?" Paimon asked you. You nodded and she left to gather some apples from apple trees. "Thank you. Aether.." Venti told Aether. "Your so smart that it scares me sometimes.." Venti continued. Aether just stood there. Sadness shows in his eyes after Venti has finished his story. "I'm sorry you lost the both of your friends. I'm sure they did that for your sake." Aether told Venti. "I know, but it hurts knowing that the two couple like people, who helped out the poor little creature I was back then, and ended up dying is saddening." Venti told Aether. "Your right." was all Aether said. Paimon came back with a basket of apples in her arms. Venti grabbed one and ate it. "Can I see the book your holding? I promise to take good care of it while holding it." Aether asked and told Venti.

Venti nodded and handed Aether the book. Aether opened the book, seeing recordings of the past Venti had just told Aether. Aether kept turning the pages until he was met with a ripped page. "Why's there a ripped page?" Aether asked Venti absentmindedly. "Can I have it back now?" Venti asked, trying to avoid the question. Venti succeeded in changing the topic, and got his book back. "You should get going, your sisters still waiting for you, isn't she?" Venti asked Aether. Aether and Paimon noticed and glided off the statue of Barbatos, or the statue that also looked like his friend.

Venti only smiled to himself, enjoying the breeze while also shedding a few tears. Venti reread the book again, telling the same story as Aether just heard. Venti thought to himself, now knowing that this is a new Mondstat, it shouldn't know the olds Mondstat history. Venti thought that he should now do his best to protect this Mondstat unlike the other, which ended up being renamed to Stormterrors Lair. To protect his new friends that Venti might make while being in the new Mondstat. Venti then closed the book. Putting the story to an end.


Authors Note: Thank you so, so, so much for reading, I apologize that the story didn't have great Grammar as I suck at Grammar. I thank you all so much for reading this all the way to the end though, and I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry that it wasn't that good, or didn't really include the anemo archon Venti, but I tired my best to make it interesting to read, and I'm so sorry if you hated it, or wasted your time reading this story. This is my first story, so please tell me (if you'd like to) if you liked the story or not. Again I thank you so much for reading this story, and I hope you have an amazing day! Bye bye!

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