Angel & Devil

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Before I start... please check out my other books. They are all Jisungcentric. So if he is your Bias or you just love Park Jisung very much, check out my books.


Requested by r3njunn_


Heaven and hell.

Heaven is good and only for good people. Which stick to the rules and always behave.
Little angel...
The job of an angel is to help and be there for others. No matter what times. They are there for others and never only think of themselves. It is important to them to see others happy because they believe that everyone deserves to be happy.

Huan Renjun

22 years old

Lives with his Angel Friends...

Lives with his Angel Friends

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Hell is for the naughty, who always cause chaos and only want bad things for each other.
Little devil...
A demon doesn't take it to heart when someone is hurt or bad happens to someone. He does not care. He only wants what's best for him. He shows no consideration for others and is a loner. He doesn't let anyone get near him.

Park Jisung

20 years old

Lives on his own...

Lives on his own

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Well the idea was unexpectet.
Somone requestes this book, so I decided to make it. And then I tried to think about a Story...

Well if you think, the book is well done, please leave a comment or a vote... thanks.


The 𝘋𝘌𝘝𝘐𝘓 and his 𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝐿 // RensungWhere stories live. Discover now