Cold as Ice

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Jisung doesn't feel anything.

Nothing but...

No. He doesn't feel anything.
He has never loved. Never felt guilty before. Never felt hatred. Never felt lonely. Never felt left. He doesn't feel anything. But right now he is feeling pain... Jisung blinks his eyelids as he tries to get used to the bright light.

When he lifts his hand, a feeling of pain goes through him that he has never felt before. He puts his hand in front of his eyes to keep the light away from his eyes. As his eyes slowly get used to the light, he carefully sat up. His whole body ached and he tried to sit comfortably. When he finally looked around, he noticed that he doesn't know where he is. It doesn't really shock Jisung, though.

Not that he's used to it, but he just can't show any emotion. Nor did he feel fear or panic. He was... serene.
He tried to remember what happened. He could remember the accident, then he still remembers that he headed towards the park and suddenly laid on the ground. He couldn't move anymore and then he saw an angelic face. Then everything went black.

Jisung tried to remember the face, but the memory was fuzzy. Jisung tried to get up, but he could not step on his feets. He looked at his feet. They were bandaged.
"You should stay lying down," said one person. Jisung looked at the door and saw a boy.
"Where am I?" Jisung asked coldly and seriously.
"Wow not even a thank you? Well it's okay. I'm Lee Mark, a friend of your savior Huang Renjun," said Mark and held out his hand to Jisung. Jisung looked at the hand and then at Mark again.

"Where am I?" Jisung asked again, in the same tone.
"Huh... you are with me and my friends. Renjun found you badly injured in the park yesterday and brought you here. Jaemin took care of your wounds", Mark explained and was a little pissed off about the behavior of the stranger boy.
"I'm going," Jisung said simply, and then stood up.

He swallowed the pain and then walked out of the room. He looks for a way out until he actually found his way down to the living room.
"Hey you're the boy from yesterday, right? How are you?" A loud voice replied to the injured boy.
"Chenle you will scare him. Hay, I'm Jaemin. I've taken care of your wounds," said Jaemin with a big grin after he gave Chenle a hard slap over the head because he is so loud in the morning.

"I'm going" said Jisung again and then just walked to the door. And just as Jisung opened the door, a boy came into the house. Jisung looked into the boy's face, and so did the boy. You could swear Jisung had blushed a bit, but Jisung was very good at suppressing his feelings. "OMG you're awake," the boy called and then pulled Jisung back into the living room, where Mark, Jaemin and Chenle are talking to each other.

"Have you guys already introduced yourselves?" Asked the little boy.
"Of course, but your guest here didn't say very much," replies Jaemin, a little pissed off. He doesn't like it when people don't thank them when they are helped.
"Oh really? Tell me what's your name, where are you from and most importantly .. what happened to you?"

The 𝘋𝘌𝘝𝘐𝘓 and his 𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝐿 // RensungWhere stories live. Discover now