King Devil

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Jisung sits on the couch while the angels stand in front of him and watch him closely.
"I already apologized to you guys, so just leave me alone," Jisung calls out, but the angels are not satisfied.
"You have to take back your curses," speaks the greatest angel of them.
"How? Take it back? They haven't expired yet?" Jisung asks in surprise. Normally, his curses don't last more than 24 hours.
"No, we are still cursed and only you can remove this curse," says one of the angels Jisung has met before.

"Okay, I'll do that, but I have to see the others for that," says Jisung, standing up, whereupon Lucas and Johnny get into fighting stances.
"Hey don't worry. I'm just a simple devil. I can't hurt you," Jisung quickly defends himself. But the others look at him in surprise.
"Okay, let's just go. I finally want to get rid of the curse," says the boy, who Jisung couldn't get out of his head. The boy takes Jisung's hand and then they teleport back to the other Angels.

Once in the living room, Jisung is placed on a chair and tied up.
"Okay, okay, okay. I won't hurt you. The cursing thing was just a little prank," Jisung says quickly. He wants to appear strong, but actually he's scared. He thinks he is weaker than the angels and that they will hurt him.
"That wasn't a nice prank, so get rid of the curse immediately," one of the cursed angels snaps at him. Jisung then snaps his fingers once.

The others look at the cursed angel.
"And?" asks one of the angels.
"I don't feel any difference," says one of the cursed angels. Jisung just laughs annoyed and then looks down at the floor again. "What's so funny?"
"You're a bit stupid for angels," says Jisung. That makes the others angry.
"Yah, we're not stupid. You're the victim that laid wounded in the park, not us."
"Yes, but you are the ones who brought a devil into your house. I would never go near an angel," Jisung says scornfully.

"We didn't know you were a devil," says one of the angels, pissed off. Jisung looks at the angels with a confused look.
'Why shouldn't they have known that? Angels and devils sense each other's presence, don't they?'
"Huh? You must feel that I'm a devil like I'm feeling that disgusting presence of yours right now," Jisung says, slightly disgusted by the kindness that's in the air.

"You don't know, do you?" asks one of the angels.
"What do I not know?" asks Jisung, puzzled.
"You are a King Devil. One of the strongest beings on earth. You could kill all of us now if you wanted to," says one of the angels and throws a page of a book in Jisung's face. Jisung briefly scans the page and is shocked.
"You want me to believe that I'm one of the strongest beings and I don't know it myself? I can't even make curse last more than a day. That with you was the first time," says Jisung.

"It seems you're not welcome in the Underworld either."
"What makes you think that?" asks Jisung, although he knows the answer.
"The current Devil King was here and betrayed you. They seem to hate you that they hand you over to 22 angels," someone explains. Jisung can only laugh a little at that. It's true.
The others of his kind don't like him. They were also the ones who beat him up that one day. Jisung doesn't know why they're doing this. They've always hated him.

"Yeah, it's not easy being hated by everyone and always being alone. I mean you don't know that feeling. Angels are always so kind and caring. You never live alone. You have each other and I... I don't have anyone", whereupon the angels feel pity.
"It must not have been very easy for you when you found out who was taking care of you," says one of the angels.
"It's not because you're angels. I have nothing against you. I was just scared. I'm not as strong as you say. I can't do anything. I'm probably a disappointment to the Devils and that's why they hate me so much," explains Jisung and immediately the angels understand.

Jisung hasn't had anyone since he was 5 and has been alone ever since. He can barely remember who took care of him for the first 5 years, but knows that if he ever finds out who abandoned him, he will kill them.
"You can stay with us," says one of the angels and everyone looks at him immediately.
"Renjun you can't mean that seriously. He's a devil," one of the angels yells, stunned. "Why not? He's not as bad as we thought. He's nice. He lifted our curses," Renjun defends himself.

"Well, we can try. But only if the boy wants it, of course," says another angel, who also sees some good in the devil, as does Renjun.
"I don't know. I mean you're an angel and I'm a devil. It doesn't fit," says Jisung, a little uncertain.
"We won't force you, but you can try living here and then decide," Renjun suggests. Jisung was unsure at first, but he has nothing to lose.

The 𝘋𝘌𝘝𝘐𝘓 and his 𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝐿 // RensungWhere stories live. Discover now