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The day was just about to start for you at exactly twelve pm on the afteernoon for you were unable to rise early from your comfortable bed, not to mention how late you stayed up last night since you and your friends partied a lot in celebrating of just surviving another hell week of class, that was such a random achievement but not for you who could barely focus with class unless something like this scene at home could fade away from your life.

Your father's voice was roaring non-stop through out the dining room as soon as you walked in to get yourself some cold water, god your head was still throbbing and the last thing you needed after getting up from bed was a terrible nag from the man who was sitting across your mom.

"Where were you last night?!" Kissing your mom on her cheek you ignore the question and grabbed a banana from the table, "You reek of alcohol dear," she lowly remarked with a surpressed grin on her face as you took a seat next to her, "I know mom," you muttered with a brief chuckle while your hands worked on peeling the banana.

"You brat! I asked you a question!" Added your father wearing such a mad expression which you almost grimaced at, but you wanted to avoid any further argument with him and so you simply said, "I was just out."

"Let me guess, you were partying until dawn like a homeless whore again," his voice was insulting and you were too numb from dwelling with it, not like what he said was way too far from the truth.

Because you were actually homeless in a sense that your house never felt like an actual home, you were thinking of how weird it was for parents to actually expect their kids to stay at home all the time for the mere reason that it got its roof, walls and all the necessities that a child could ever need, forgetting about the most basic part of a home - love. For the love of god, you needed more than just a residential building with a complex structure, and a father who was just as complex.

"Bingo," you told him before placing your mouth at the top of the banana, fixing your stares at your father as you started bobbing your head earning a disgusted expression from the man

Almost bursting from laughters at how you seemed to be giving the fruit a great head job, you could not help but to feel great at the nearing victory coming to your way. "I've lost my appetite," your father announced in gritted teeth before dismissing himself from the table.

Pulling the banana off of your mouth you placed it on the empty plate, the smile on your face faded when the heavyweight from the insulting words started to show their effects.

"Don't mind your father, y/n," your mom reached for your hand, her eyes were straight ahead and you turned to her, "He's always like that," she added with a smile, "I know mom, and that's okay." You replied lying right on her face, not that she could see the bitterness on your smile and the hint of emptiness in your eyes- something you could consider as one of the few perks of her blindness, she would never see the misery that you had been carrying and that was totally favorable for you.

The classes were about to start and you remained standing at the furthest part of the hallways, watching the batch of students who were running late as they made their way to their classrooms, holding the cigarette in between your fingers you narrowed your eyes at the motorbike that parked just right outside the campus.

Getting off from its backride was the famous delinquent from your class.

"Oh, Mikey is late again huh?" said the voice who appeared next to you, grabbing your cigarette without any word which you did not mind for you were too focused at the male who was manuevering the ride.

"I wonder why he did not bring his ride today," the girl wondered while puffing the nicotine from the stick, "His brother looks hot as ever."

Turning your head at her you frowned, "Brother?" Feeling intrigue you asked, "Uh-huh, don't tell me you don't know Shinichiro?" You shook your head before bringing your attention back at the school gates which was already empty, the male was gone already, "Well, he ain't really that popular among girls," she added placing the cigarette back in between your fingers.

Huh? You thought in confusion thinking how unebelievable that information was, the guy looked a complete hottie, wondering how you could possibly meet the male you pressed the cigarette butt against the wall next to you.

The weekend swung by and you climbed downstairs carrying another hangover, and there was your father again from the living room, yelling and screaming about how you were making them worried for not coming home the previous night.

"For god's sake, if you are planning to party the whole night bring your body guards with you!" You rolled your eyes at his suggestion, sitting on the couch next to your mom you sighed throwing your head against the backrest, "Stop beating up my men just because you don't want them following you around!"

"You are never going out without bringing any bodyguard with you y/n," he rose to his feet, and you shut your eyes at the annoyance that he was giving you, "How's that even possible, I don't want them around me," you murmured and he seemed to hear it.

"Then get yourself into a judo program at least, but until then you are not going around at night alone!" His voice had no vacant room for any disagreement and you knew that as you watched how he showed you a familiar card, "And no single penny for you, unless you get to learn some self-defense skills. Stop being fucking useless!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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