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Sevyn sat in the parking lot of the abortion clinic her heart was racing, she had one hand on the doorknob and the other still gripped on the wheel

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Sevyn sat in the parking lot of the abortion clinic her heart was racing, she had one hand on the doorknob and the other still gripped on the wheel. she was still debating on her decision although things weren't working out with Monte she felt like this baby was god's gift. like he was giving her someone she'd been searching for forever.. someone who would always love her no matter what.. someone she would have to motivate her to push herself harder than before.. but then she thought about the ties that would come with keeping it.. more fights.. more drama.. more confusion. she stepped out the car and walked up to the door soon as she opened the door she was the center of attention. she started to feel embarrassed at how people were staring and judging her like they weren't all here for the same thing.

After signing her name on the list she rushed to the chair in the back away from the crowded area. she released a sigh trying not to make it obvious she was nervous at the glares, she rested her head against her knuckles jumping up when a girl rushed out the room crying shifting the attention in the room on her. she wiped away her tears as she calmed down walking towards Sevyn she prayed she didn't draw the attention back on her. then boom, she took a seat next to her.

"It's not fair.." she paused as if she was waiting for Sevyn to ask her what's wrong, but she ignored her not wanting people to associate the two.

"I had to get rid of my baby.. my beautiful baby.. so innocen-t s-so sweet." the girl started to weep lightly.

"He's a monster! You People are monsters! Don't kill your baby! Please.. don't be like me.. selfish." she grabbed Sevyn shaking her as she ranted on and on about how evil abortions were eventually security yanked her off Sevyn and escorted her off the lot leaving Sevyn in a shock.


Sevyn was still shocked she hadn't even moved an inch since they pulled the girl off her. she repeated her name twice before Sevyn finally snapped out her trance and rushed out the door. she searched around for the crazy lady but she was gone. Sevyn decided right then and there she wasn't going to kill her baby. Her baby had a purpose and god had sent this lady to show her. she rushed to get in her car driving off quickly she decided to take the long way home to clear her mind off everything but then Morgan called. she had completely forgotten to keep them updated on everything so soon as she answered she apologized amillion times. after catching up she tossed her phone into the passenger seat and continued her drive not to long after her
phone went off again. it was Don. she had completely forgot she met him today.

"Did You Make It Home Yet?"

"Nah, i'm riding around right now tryna clear my head.." Delivered.

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